Reviews for as close as hands and feet
Harumaki chapter 3 . 8/3/2012
Wow. What a lovely, dazzling drabble. There's something very natural and effortless in your writing. It makes me think of wind that whimsically blows this way and that but always ends up where it needs to be. lol, take that statement however you like; all I can say is, it's a compliment.

All the best!
Frog-kun chapter 3 . 7/5/2012
You updated this whut XD

I REALLY LIKED THIS DORO. Neku was really very nice here and I loved it when he loved Rhyme's hair through her beanie. I loved how awkward he was the whole time but really very genuine. And I loved how he credited Beat at least partly for the change in his character.

I read this update last night, but while I was at it, I decided to reread the entire story so far. My favourite drabble is still the time machine one but I'm so totally psyched for future updates. NOW GET OUT FROM UNDER THAT BLANKET, YOU POOHEAD.
Frog-kun chapter 2 . 10/19/2011
B'AWWWW BEAT. Reading this made me want to give the kid a hug, pfffft XDD

I love how you showed both Beat's dumb-as-a-rhino side along with his more caring side. I thought it was a very good balance here, since it was made me lol without making me roll my eyes and it made me go b'awww without being overly sentimental. (Or sentimentious, as Beat would put it.)

Can't wait for the next... monthly post ;D PFFFT
TenshiNoAkuma chapter 2 . 10/18/2011
Gosh am I glad you started writing for this fandom! This collection has been a nice Beat and Rhyme fix, especially this chapter.

The time machine theme was well done, and the repetition throughout did a really nice job of emphasising it without getting TOO repetitive. The two extra buttons on Beat's ideal time machine design made me laugh; oh Beat and his push-happy button tendencies xD

But by the time I got to the end, I felt so very sad for Beat ): The emotion behind his 'would haves' runs strong, and when I finished, I just wanted to give him a great big hug.

Great work, and I hope to see more! 8)
lasafam chapter 2 . 10/18/2011
D'aww, this was just so sweet I love Beat being determined to do better as a big brother and reading about what he would've done. Your style is beautiful, and I giggled at the part about the incident at Neku's house.
The Jabberer chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
Oh Pororo this was just so adorable and oh, my review is going to suck to epic proportions because it's been a while since I've reviewed something, but this was just lovely.

I lovelovelove Beat and Rhyme and maybe it's because it reminds me about you two, but I do, and you just write it so so so so well it's amazing and I'm turning GREEN WITH ENVY WHEEEE.

(I really am wearing green today :D)

But your writing is just beautiful and poetic as always, and I hope that will never ever change because it is perfect. I especially love the way you described Beat blushing, because it was perfect and nostalgic and wonderful and A;DLKFJ I'M GOING TO STOP TRYING TO SOUND SMART AND CRITICAL AND JUST FLAIL NOW.



Frog-kun chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
...and this is why I decided to stay on, so I could review your fic and be first reviewer and GLEEHEEHEE.

So. Not much to say yet, but I'll be darned if I didn't feel the cuteness radiating off the page, er, screen. Particularly with that ending. I mean, B'AWWW BEAT and B'AWWW RHYME but particularly B'AWWWW BEAT. The way you describe him makes me see him so clearly in my head, it's like he's right next to me. Also the dialogue is super cute and totally in-character. It's nice seeing Rhyme's perspective: it's very very Rhyme but I also feel she is very very doro. I mean she is a lot like you, she just gives me that vibe.

Anyway peace out, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT INSTALLMENT. Hee hee but TELL ME OKAY because FFnet is still being stupid with my alerts D8