Reviews for Predictability
xyz chapter 26 . 2/26/2015
the story just ends here suddenly! where's ch27?
apantname chapter 26 . 5/21/2014
There are some people who are crazy, then there are some people like me. I read this story in 2007 and became obsessed. All these years later, I don't think I can recall what the plot was or the funny lines I laughed at back then, but I recall the warm memories of just giving into something I liked and feeling great. 7 is a lucky number is all I am saying.
Hello chapter 26 . 2/5/2014
Vhat? No kiss?
Wow... Just wow... I was waiting for it lol!
good story
Add the kiss!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/17/2013
doesn't james like lily?
LanaFlower chapter 26 . 7/24/2013
OH PLEASE UPDATE! this story is so amazing, and you haven't updated since 2005! please don't abandon this story... I love it so much.
Pokegirl666 chapter 26 . 7/24/2013
Okay... I loved it! I spent hours reading it! And yet you are not carrying on?! You'd better!
reader chapter 26 . 8/16/2012
ahem... so about that updating you said you'd do 7 years ago...

its a great fanfic! i know this is a really long stretch, but please consider it...maybe? it's definitely been improving enormously since the beginning...please. for the sake of your readers..
Diane Potter chapter 26 . 3/13/2012

I just want to said that this story was AMAZING! I really loved every single chapter I read...;( It's so SAD you hadn't update in like 7 BLOODY YEARS...(*I may start crying*) you left us your readers intrigued!

Leslie's dead was so ahhhh ;( Unexpected.

It was an honour to read this story... I really hope you update someday or you aren't dead :)


Diane Potter
Unfeeling chapter 1 . 5/22/2011
will you be updating this anytime soon? please do! its such a great story!
Freakiess chapter 26 . 1/2/2011
This fic is absolutely lovely. Heartwarming, sweet, extremely well-written, complex enough so that it makes me feel like these are _real_ people but not enough for me to become confused and stop reading, sad, addicting, etcetc. I _*LOVE*_ (EMPHASIS) IT. I really truly admire you as an author, but why haven't you updated in 5 years? I went to your livejournal and you updated TODAY, so you're still alive. I looked at past entries and you had ideas for the next/final chapters plus your author's note for this chapter saying that you couldn't abandon it. Please please update this story. So many readers would like to read more and see it completed, including me. Even if you can't bring yourself to update with a new chapter, I implore you to leave a farewell note for us readers left hanging. Amazing deep story. :)
harrypotterohyeah chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
awesome! Cant wait to keep reading. :)
WittyBasketcase chapter 26 . 5/30/2010
You never updated [

I am going to cry and I have those ugly tears too!
WittyBasketcase chapter 21 . 5/30/2010
I really enjoy this fic.

Especialy the relationship development between James and Lily.

Its more, say, relaistic than most.

The plot is smooth.

I admit the first 10 chapters seemed tedious but I am really glad I went through it.

Please finish it

It's been 5 YEARS.

Don'tleave the readers hanging
pixi-stix chapter 26 . 12/6/2009
i luv it!

And how many ch. do ya think it'll have?

pixi-stix chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
your story was great, i loved it alot!

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