Reviews for WHN Vengeance
Lynne Coulson chapter 37 . 9/18/2018
I was recommended this story by two Adam fans, sierragirl and Lyn Robinson and I have to say, even as a Joe gal, it didn’t disappoint.
Always wanted to have a more satisfactory ending to this episode, as it was obvious Adam was hurt and equally obvious that no one, apart from Mary, had noticed.
And I must admit to wanting Red Twilight to suffer a pretty bad ending, seeing as how he caused so much suffering to Hoss and then Adam, plus he killed Shorty.
I liked the way you had Mary lie in court and her reasons for doing so, although, of course, she was very wrong in allowing Red to get away with what he had done.
And I reckon Hoss was right when he said that people like Red enjoyed causing pain and killing people, whereas people like the Cartwrights only did so when there was no alternative and they would die if they didn’t shoot.
A very enjoyable story and I loved the tale in the dime novel, very funny
Little Joe forever
Nanuk chapter 8 . 7/23/2018
Sigh ... so many years since I first read this, and it is still one of my favourites ... You always let Adam suffer absolutely brilliantly. :) Thank you so much!
Adam's Gal chapter 37 . 9/14/2017
Absolutely brilliant - all the way through 1 and 2 I could picture, Lorne, Pernell, Dan and Michael playing their characters. Would have made a couple of great episodes ️
Adam's Gal chapter 24 . 9/14/2017
Great banter lines and Hop Sing too - loving it.
Adam's Gal chapter 23 . 9/14/2017
Great chapter. You write so well and I love the Doc's handling of the boys.
Adam's Gal chapter 12 . 9/13/2017
On my next story now and again, really enjoying it, excepting my boy hurting so much. Just love Adam.
last1stnding chapter 36 . 8/9/2016
Oh, I forgot to mention Larrabee Laroo. I laughed at Joe and Hoss's total involvement and Adam's suffering through Lucinda Littletrees. Good stuff.
last1stnding chapter 37 . 8/9/2016
This is a great, epic story. The Vengeance episode has frustrated me for several years and this filled in all the gaping holes. Hoss is Hoss, sweet,lovable and undeserving of such hatred, poor Adam suffers (and this time the family notices!) and I like the Joe in your story much better than I did the self absorbed young man onscreen. The missing checker is a needed touch of humor.
Well done.
Bexley R. Jameson chapter 37 . 11/4/2013
The best thing about this story is the checker. Just saying :3

But seriously, I'm glad I finished this. In the beginning, I was kind of apprehensive of taking a Hoss-centered episode and turning it into a Adam-centered fic, but you changed my mind. The underlining "guardian Angel," if you will, was a well placed addition, and the "filler" sections were skillfully balanced with "plot-advancing" parts.

One tip, however, is to be sure to keep the actions/quotations of the characters clear. I understand the enjoyment in trying to shock the readers with quizzically chapter beginnings, but I always try to use them sparingly, as they are often unclear (albeit purposefully) and too many of them can leave the reader confused and frustrated.

All of the characters were spot on, and though I usually prefer that the writer stays within the "family friendly" parameters of the show, the actual use of blood was bold and rewarding.

Like I said in the beginning, I'm glad I finished this fic, and I appreciate it's length. Many in this genre are quick to get to the gore and quick to end it, but you successfully knitted the angst and the storyline together and kept them in their respected corners. Nicely done.

NorthStar65 chapter 37 . 10/24/2012
Another amazingly good story. Love to see the Ben/Adam connection and your Hoss and Joe were lively and fun in this (even for being a somewhat "dark" piece). Thanks for sharing and can't wait for more!
MmeRae chapter 37 . 6/8/2012
Thanks for re-posting this gem, LissaB. So many friends recommended this to me when I was new to Bonanza fan fiction-and they were right. Great characterization, a life-challenging danger, and the humor of that story of Joe's. Great stuff!
Adamsulli chapter 37 . 1/22/2012
oh wow...I read the story without a break an I am complete overwhelmed,because this story is indeed a masterpeace,thank you for writing it down...and I thought to myself how I wished they would have made such a great episode in the Bonanza was so thrilling all the time and my poor Adam hurt and in have so many fantastic moments in your me one of the best ff Ive ever read...thank you so much for writing it down...fantastic job...ulli
faustBZ chapter 37 . 1/14/2012
I probably should say how much I loved the double meaning of "priceless" and the funny bickering, but...what i really, really loved was Adam's talking with his eyes.

I saw it, clear as the day.

Lissa, this was, is and always will be one of my three favourite fanfiction in any fandom. It has so many wonderful things-a few of them I've already mentioned in my one or two reviews.

Don't want to write a novel here, just let me say it one last time: this story is brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.

Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
faustBZ chapter 36 . 1/14/2012
Oh. Oh!

Mhmmm...who's more endearing here: Ben or Adam? No, don't answer that. There can be only one...

Wonderful. Mhmmmmmmmmmm...
faustBZ chapter 35 . 1/14/2012
"A man is dead. At my hand. No, a man is blown apart at my hand - and no, Joseph - it doesn't feel good."

Thank you for that. Honestly: thank you!

This, again, is something that was rarely said in the original series. A baddie was a baddie and therefor deserved to die. The shooter often just shrugged it off.

Thanks for doing it differently. Thank you.
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