Reviews for Sometime Around Midnight
Cassie-011 chapter 1 . 7/5/2013
wow thats sad :/
BlueNeutrino chapter 1 . 9/19/2011
Another excellent piece from you. There was so much emotion this, and so eloquently conveyed. I particularly liked the part at the very end - it showed how despite everything Barty's done there is still some good in him, and Audrey can see that. It was interesting to see how they both feel about each other all these years later.

I also like how this version of events opens up even more possibilities. In the books Barty received the dementor's kiss, but this makes me think more about what would have happened if he had escaped a second time and what role he would have played in the war. If you ever decide to write more about what happens to Audrey and Barty after this point I would absolutely love to read it.