Reviews for Truth or Dare Anyone?
lanalight1 chapter 8 . 6/18/2018
Yeah, it us a word. But not two separate ones. It's 'dumbfounded'. :).
Amixli chapter 34 . 3/26/2018
XD I read to this point last night and tried not to laugh loud, because my parents and my bro were asleep, and now I'm in a train on my way to school, but can barely hold together xD this chapter was awesome, I love it.
This Story is something new, no mission, kidnapping, ect. just making fun of everyone xD great job
Guest chapter 32 . 12/16/2017
well there are multiple green lanterns that have been prominently shown in the dc universe aka the four you mentioned and kyle rainer and maybe even chip that squirrel green lantern
Abby6666 chapter 43 . 11/2/2017
This is really good and funny. Maybe longer chapters? 9/10. GOOD JOB!
May chapter 11 . 9/16/2017
Literally crying tears of Joy
awsomer chapter 33 . 12/31/2016
Guest chapter 43 . 11/9/2016
Aww continue the story its good!
Guest chapter 40 . 11/9/2016
Canarys part doe!~ im dieing of laughter!~
LunaStarsNightWayne chapter 15 . 7/17/2016
Mama Camdus and Papa Clark is now officially my OPT.
sb chapter 21 . 5/17/2016
can u seperate the people talking, it can be confusing who's talking and when a new person is and how to seperate it
sb chapter 20 . 5/17/2016
woah, she trained with her dad to be an assasian so why is she not happy about camping, eating a rabbit(hunting), and showers? she was trained to be an assasian
sb chapter 13 . 5/17/2016
ha they didnt even need to be watched to keep their dare
thalicorules chapter 43 . 2/2/2016
Please update soon
REDSPAZZ2003 chapter 43 . 10/22/2015
Well so far no chapter but it's only been one day since I sent u that review but I swear ima keep checking this every couple a days and if I don't see a new chapter in a month or 2 that means u either to busy or don't want 2 and I totally understand if u don't want 2 but know this. IF U DO ANOTHER CHAPTER I WILL BE THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD! I swear. Okay bye I'll check this page on Saturday.
REDSPAZZ2003 chapter 43 . 10/21/2015
OH MY GOSH I loved the story I wish u would've continued! But hey I read fan fiction so much I understand u are either busy with collage or u moved or u just don't have time in ur life for weighting awesome stories like this anymore but I am begging u plz if u ever get the time START THIS STORY BACK UP! But I'm only saying if u have the time. So plz pretty pretty plzzzz with a cherry on top. :( only if u have time I don't want to push u. :) any way point is I looooved your story it's awesome!
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