Reviews for My Vermillion Princess
Tatyanna Harper chapter 9 . 1/9/2017
Is nice and romantic, it's like a fairy tale of Jin Kisaragi and Noel Be Vermilion. Oh please, please, pretty please come out with the next chapter sooner or later please.
Fireminer chapter 9 . 4/18/2014
Aww! So sweet! You've been doing so well that if you don't continue this, it would be a great loss.

(However, I could still feel the unatural and plorix.)
Guest chapter 9 . 6/8/2013
please write more
it's so great
Shiori Yomu chapter 9 . 4/21/2013
One of my favourite chapters! I just love this chapter to bits! Jin and Noel finally confessed their feelings for each other! x3 Jin finally showed Noel his smiles again! It's so cute! They're so cute!
Shiori Yomu chapter 8 . 4/21/2013
Squeeee! Jin and Noel are so sweeeeet together! X3
I love the way you write this fanfic! It's so detailed and I can just feel the characters' emotions in this! This is so cool! Totally!
Shiori Yomu chapter 7 . 4/21/2013
Poor, poor Noel... Hazama's creeping me out too. You write him so dang freaky, totally in character, I'd say!
And...Hoho, Jin's so worried about Noel that he decided to see her eh
Brilliant job on this chapter!
Shiori Yomu chapter 6 . 4/21/2013
Yes, this is absolutely, awesomely awesome! Some romance between Jin and Noel again! Just reading this makes me wanna jump in celebration! :3 It's so cute!
Jin, being a gentleman to Noel is always the best!
Shiori Yomu chapter 4 . 4/21/2013
It's so romantic! Noel having a visitor at night, and of all people, Major Jin Kisaragi! Wow!
This is so awesome!
Angel Vermillion chapter 3 . 3/26/2013
Hazama was so creepy. Especially in the breakfast scene. I mean, how the heck is Noel supposed to get along with a guy like that!? [shudders] And ironically, Noel seems to know all about Hazama's true feelings about the wedding now, and her parents don't have a clue. Weird...
Angel Vermillion chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
I feel so bad for poor Noel. I've read this before, 4 times in fact, and I keep thinking the same thing, especially when she fainted.
Orihime00sama chapter 9 . 3/9/2013
This story is just so... KYAH! I can't put it in words! Please continue it!
P.S: Make someone beating the crap out of Hazama, or just some Kakas eating him -w-
gigi323 chapter 3 . 2/27/2013
Such an intense chapter.
You wrote Hazama's maliciousness so well, even I got the chills.
I hope Noel will be able to experience a true and kind loving relationship.
Hazama is such a perv if I read into his words correctly.
Oh my poor innocent Noel, your time will come.
Great job!
DsCrystalEyes chapter 4 . 7/25/2012
Yay! it's exactly what fictions are made of! Good work *thumbs up*
NoelxJin chapter 5 . 7/22/2012
while reading your series I was listening to the video entitled "Synthesia-i say yes(wedding version)" you should try listening to it it adds a nice touch to your story
Ikaruze chapter 9 . 3/14/2012
Totally favoriting this! I really like your writing style; you have the necessary details written in the right way without being confusing at all. Plus, this is also one of my favorite pairings every, so that's a plus point! : )

Are you planning on continuing this story, may I ask?
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