Reviews for London, Baby
Kurt's Bodyguard chapter 30 . 6/23
I've loved the story so far, your writing style is spectacular! However, here at chapter 30, I have to be honest... I'm kind of at a loss. Maybe it's because I'm bias to Kurt Hummel. Maybe it's because you spent the past 29 chapters slowly building their love story just to have it turn around then resolve so quickly. But whatever it is, despite the fact that Klaine is OTP and should rightfully end up together in every fanfiction, this felt different, dare I say, hypocritical. Blaine is the one who broke Kurt's heart. Blaine is asking Kurt to sacrifice London, New York, theatre, his dreams, his passion, the one thing he's been working for since he was seven, the one reason he fought so hard against the bullies - to get OUT of Ohio. For what? So Blaine can keep a job he repeatedly said he doesn't like? So he can stay close to his parents who - albeit, with the minor, slow progression of his mom - don't like him and can't accept him? So he can have weekly conversations with Wes over coffee? How is that a fair trade-off? What's Blaine's problem with moving to New York, or London for that matter? If his passion is to write, he can write from anywhere in the world - that's what makes writing so great. If his mother is trying to reconnect, they can over the phone and they can visit, because if she really wanted Blaine back, she'd make some sort of effort too, not rely on Blaine's plans alone. If he wanted to talk to Wes every week, their conversations could just as easily be held over the phone. So, what's Blaine REALLY giving up from leaving Ohio? Definitely not the same he'd be asking Kurt to give up to move BACK to Ohio. And also, Burt Hummel siding with Blaine just makes me go crazy. From the show, yes, Burt likes Blaine and he supports Kurt's choice to have Blaine as his boyfriend/spouse, whatever. But if it came to choosing sides, Burt would never choose Blaine over Kurt. Even if they were being oblivious idiots, and everyone in the world could see "if they just talked, they could fix everything", I don't think Burt would've continued the bi-weekly meetings with Blaine, or have invited him over for Christmas, without AT LEAST asking Kurt first because Kurt and his health/sanity/feelings are and always will be more important to Burt than Blaine's. And lastly, having Blaine meet Kurt at the airport. Cute, yes. But again, it's not Kurt's fault and he shouldn't apologize for it. He shouldn't apologize for having and achieving his dreams. He shouldn't apologize for being busy at work or forgetting six month anniversaries. He shouldn't apologize for defending himself or speaking his mind or whatever petty excuse Blaine comes up with. If Blaine doesn't have to apologise, why should Kurt? Sure, Blaine might be more of a hopeless romantic, corny, cheesy, love blind, everything... But that doesn't mean Kurt doesn't love him just because he's not as "heart eye emoji" as Blaine is. Kurt shows his love in different ways, like flying to Ohio ALL THE TIME, which, shocker, isn't cheap. How many times did Blaine (with his rich parents and large savings account) visit Kurt in London? Twice? Kurt tries and he makes the time and he shows his support and love, he doesn't hide Blaine from the media, he's not embarrassed. That's how he shows his love. And if it's not enough for Blaine, then Blaine doesn't understand. This became more of a rant than I expected, and again, this is not a hate post. I love your story and the way you've developed the characters, which in all honesty, is probably why I'm so mad, so affected. That's a good thing. You've made me feel attached. But this feels like a stab in the back to Kurt, and Blaine is either being a huge baby or a massive hypocrite while Kurt just takes the blame and says sorry. Nevertheless, I'll finish reading the last few chapters, though I'll admit, I skipped a lot of chapter 30 knowing full well Kurt got hurt and betrayed more times here than the entire FF combined...
Twinmom chapter 32 . 1/31
This was written 8 years ago, I am an old lady and had no idea about fan fiction at the time, but I was a huge glee fan and Klaine fan. This is one of my favorite stories, it’s heartfelt and fluffy ( my favorite kind) I’m glad to read these stories now, it brings back the love I had for glee . Thank you for the awesome Klaine
leahmo34 chapter 3 . 2/15/2018
cute spontaneous date. first kiss.
leahmo34 chapter 2 . 2/15/2018
great chapter. great date
leahmo34 chapter 1 . 2/13/2018
this story is complete right. great chapter. Yes Kurt should have told the truth.
ravencarr chapter 28 . 10/10/2017
Backlash? Nope. Drama is what I live for *w*
Guest chapter 29 . 2/15/2016
It was such a good last line, heck, such a good last three paragraphs.
Tin chapter 32 . 9/16/2013
This was amazing! Thank u so much for sharing. Incredible. Xoxo tin in fl
Sorkabeth chapter 32 . 7/16/2013
Lovely. I really enjoyed reading this, thanks for writing it. It isn't marked complete though so I worried as I got close to the end and the boys were still apart...
LoneLondoner chapter 13 . 7/12/2013
Wow, I'm from London, and I assumed you were too! there's nothing wrong so far that I can see (btw this fanfiction is so damn cute! loving it so far!)
justanotherfangurl chapter 32 . 6/21/2013
Can I just say that there are only three fics out if the hundreds I've read about Klaine that have made me cry and now I can add this to the list! Phenomenal story! It was honestly so heart wrenching at some points, but the love and devotion both Kurt and Blaine ha for each other throughout the story was entirely worth it! I LOVED IT!
teilo chapter 32 . 5/21/2013
This was a beautiful story from start to finish. I really enjoyed escaping real life for a minutes or sometimes hours to sit and emerge myself in your words. Thank you for sharing :)
whitney1992 chapter 32 . 3/1/2013
whitney1992 chapter 31 . 3/1/2013
YAY! They are so cute!
whitney1992 chapter 30 . 3/1/2013
I squealed the same time Carole did. Blaine following him to the airport was so romantic and Finn was adorable yelling that he would drive. You did a very good job describing everything. I could see it all perfectly in my head. Great job. You have made me cry a lot reading this though but it's been worth it. I can't believe it's almost over! Gonna go read the rest! :)
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