Reviews for Lover Dearest
Guest chapter 20 . 4/17
I know you don’t post anything here anymore, but it would be so great to see a one shot of Brittany and Santana meeting with Brittany’s parents. Either running into them somewhere or her parents wanting to have dinner, and Brittany’s mother having the apology talk with Santana. I feel like that would heal all their wounds, and they could start to be a family again, because I have a feeling Brittany’s father would be none to pleased with his wife’s actions.
Ha chapter 20 . 12/22/2017
Why does this have so many reviews? This story is fucked up. Especially towards Santana she literally had no one. And why the hell is everything about Brittany? And making her out to be the better one? And always making Santana feel bad about herself? Lmfao this story blows bro, and then to make the story even worse Santana ends up not graduating and Brittany does? Where the fuck was Brittany for Santana all this time? lol I’m sorry NOT sorry I just had to say this. If you’re reading this review save your time and look for another stor because this story sucks
VonnieBoo chapter 20 . 6/2/2017
This work was such a masterpiece from beginning to end. The way that you captured the emotion; the way that you made it possible for the reader to /feel/ the heartachewell, that is no small feat. Thank you for sharing your brilliant writing with us!
BrazilianReader chapter 20 . 12/9/2016
This thing has been finished a long time ago, I know. Have I read any other thing you've written since then? No. Don't even know if you did. Doesn't matter. Just wanted to thank you for this story, thanks you for this. This angst, it was awesome, I mean, it did hurt a lot, but it was so well written it didn't matter, I mean it did cause the fact that a story was able to hurt me, actually hurt me was just a proof of how good it is. So thank you. For haven written this. And yeah, maybe you never get to read this review but at least I can say that I thanked the person that made me cry for five hours straight as I read this cause once I started I couldn't stop so why bother sleeping?
Guest chapter 20 . 10/29/2016
Thanks for sharing this great story with us. I just hope there's a sequel. Thank you nevertheless! It was truly moving. Kuddos!
NewLife2014 chapter 20 . 7/31/2015
I cried like twenty thousand times in various chapters. Seriously, this is beautiful.
Jan chapter 20 . 4/19/2015
Bruh this fucked me up so much.. but it was beautiful! Worth the pain, fuck
SleaterKinney chapter 20 . 3/16/2015
Amazing, thank you.
maizcorn chapter 20 . 3/1/2015
Oh. My. THIS IS heart wrenchingly brilliant! Every chap was just so angsty and i love it so. Haha I just wished that there was a scene where Santana retaliated angainst those bullies. But anyway it was beautiful.
Mtzgleek95 chapter 20 . 2/26/2015

I started reading this like 5 hours ago and I just finished the epilogue at 12AM, knowing I have class tomorrow. I don't even know if you get alerts anymore considering this was from a couple years back, but on the off chance that you do, I just want to thank you. You did an amazing job with this story. And since I read all you A/Ns, I really hope things got better.

Also, Canon brittana, need i say more.
sarzah23 chapter 20 . 6/12/2014
Eeeek! The ANGST! So well written though! Thanks for taking the time! So good. :)
KeepUsSafe chapter 20 . 4/22/2014
I've been bawling for about two whole hours over this fic, it is so beautifully written, everything falls into place so perfectly. This is so incredible, the angst was perfect and you did an amazing job writing emotions; it was as though I was feeling what Santana felt and I could look at the whole story through her eyes - thank you for this amazing experience.
Nayaholic90 chapter 4 . 1/22/2014
Beautiful story!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
Pam chapter 20 . 12/29/2013
Oh god I'm crying! I love this story it's so true and amazing. Thank you for this fanfic, really thank you.
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