Reviews for Sinjin said No
darck ben chapter 1 . 3/24/2015
good story
miku.loverz chapter 1 . 4/23/2014
Ovo b
Jeremy Shane chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
Good Story
WyldCard4 chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
An actual decent* Sinjin story? Only ever encountered one of those before, and that made me want to star cutting myself (not something I actually do). Let us see if this one makes me want to do the same!

*Assuming it will be decent based on your past record.

You know, Sinjin delivering that speech would have been AWESOME in the show for sheer randomness. It would have worked best if we had absolutely no hint of it before he started ranting.

Of course in the show he would have just gotten kicked out and we would never have seen him again.

("I'll go right to the school board and say you are unfairly grading me and retaliating against me for refusing to let you mistreated me or anyone else at this school.")

So, Sinjin's Steven Shay's illegitimate child? Who would have guessed?

Actually that is the only problem I have with this fic. This is not a Sinjin style of conflict. It's the RIGHT way of handling the situation, but Sinjin doing this by himself seems suspect. Robbie, maybe, but not Sinjin.

Sinjin's vomiting afterwards made it all completely worth it.

Nice ending. Though it might have been interesting if the scene had been with someone besides Jade, or if he at least HAD a scene with someone else besides Jade in the aftermath. The expectation is that we'll see Jade, so it would be more interesting if it is someone surprising. Possibilities:

1. Cat, as the randomness might be an interesting contrast to the scene.

2. Beck. He seems like the kind of person to respect Sinjin's move and want to help.

This was a very solid fic. I sounded a bit critical, but that's just me. When a fic goes smoothly it's usually hard to say much.
Urias chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
From personal experience, it is usually the person you expect less that suprise you the most during hard situations. And good work writing Sinjin, a character we are giving very little to work with.
InfinityForever7 chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
I love this! I haven't even seen the episode yet, but I can totally imagine this happening. GO SINJIN!