Reviews for Sod Off Malfoy!
Westyversionfrench chapter 1 . 10/4/2016
French reader here (sorry for any mistakes).

That was fun ! I like the fact that you keep their first feelings for each others. It really looks like who they are. I'm happy to see the characters I liked in the books.
IncinerationNation chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
mommaXbear chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
A bit OOC but it had a good plot. Work on your characterization and it will make you a much better writer. As it is, if you changed the names this should never a very good original story.
lunabyrd666 chapter 1 . 1/31/2012
This was really cool! I've never read a Ron/Draco fic before this one and it was great! Surprising that it was your first fic because it was that freaking good! I'm so glad that I picked this one!

I think I have a new pairing to add to my favorites list, lol.
Colin James chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
That was really good and so believeable
bubblesfreak chapter 1 . 12/22/2011
This is cute, silly, and sexy. I rather enjoyed it.
xoxocullenluverxoxo chapter 1 . 11/4/2011
Funny and way good! loved it!
Eryk Lestrange chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
next time they should switch places!
Dean-and-Sam's-Dreamgirl chapter 1 . 10/29/2011
Bloody brilliant! Absolutely loved every bit of it. Please, please, please write more!
slashypotter chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
thx for the review and advice, elza! i will definitely take it into account for my next fic. :)
elza chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
wow! a fantastic fic. i would not have expected that that was your first fic! i love that they had sex, but didnt get all lovey-dovey. if anything, the opposite. i know that malfoy was the one who really wanted to shag, but i dont think that he would have given in so easily. it would have been nice to see more rivalry between them, to take the heat to insanely-intense levels. an arguement/fight to see who tops? a penis comparison? anything that these boys could do to prove themselves the 'alpha male' while still hating each others guts, resulting in, of course, some really hot sex. (which is the aim of this fic, is it not?). a pretty damn good fic, and i veery much look forward to reading more from you. also, may i suggest a setting? - the quidditch locker rooms, after a match between gryffindor and slytherin ended as a draw. ron and draco have some unfinished business! (can be completely separated from this fic)
talley67 chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
Wheeeee! Hot and sexy. Very much in their characters.