Reviews for To Serve the King That's Good and Kind
artilyon-rand chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
i really love thsi one but you should had separete it on more chapters xd
moonmuse chapter 1 . 2/1/2012
I don't think 10 reviews does this tale justice. It's certainly steamy but I think you weave a wonderful story about two broken souls finding their feet again. Great job!
Suilven chapter 1 . 12/22/2011
I just loved this in a way that words can't do justice. Raw and powerful, and the transformations of Alistair and Cauthrien were believable and extremely well-portrayed. Amazing.
chaoticbow chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
love the story, great writing and the the pairing all around great story.
Saerwen Tabris chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
Great idea. I always felt that Cauthrien's character should have been expanded on. Good writing too.
CrimsonLance50 chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
Very enjoyable story! Character studies are always fun when they're done well and this was done extremely well. My only gripe is with the abrupt seemed rather forced and didn't have much of a final resolution for Alistair and Cauthrien aside from the fact that she's staying. Things could go wrong with the guard or the two experienced warriors used to fighting hellish monsters could become bored with simple raiders and filing reports. What does Cauthrien think of the ring? Do the two have enough in common aside from shared experiences for the relationship to last? The story was great and I definitely enjoyed reading it but it needed an epilogue or something to tie up all the loose ends. Otherwise the story was believable, well written and seemed very heartfelt. Thank you for sharing it!
Ebilness chapter 1 . 10/3/2011
I really enjoyed this story and found reading every minute of it captivating. I hope there is more but the ending was perfect and allowed closure between the two.
IVIaedhros chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
It feels like it wants to say something more, become something more, especially with the ending feeling so unnaturally abrupt. At the same time, this is a wonderfully well developed bit that actually makes the relationship look realistic, something that's nigh impossible given these two if you come at anytime post Ostagar, which you obviously did. Well done, and thanks for the read.
Judy chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
Ladywhipple chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
From the first sentence, I was unable to wrench myself away. I was attached to the characters, felt their struggles, their first tentative steps back into the light. Excellent! Thank you for writing this :)
Sironblood1 chapter 1 . 9/7/2011
Plz this can't just end as a one-shot, there has to be more!
mutive chapter 1 . 9/7/2011
I've been looking forward to this story, and it most definitely did not disappoint. There's something so beautiful about the two characters slowly but surely forming a life together after everything. I loved the letter at the end, too...the absolute perfect touch. (Although I half wonder if Cauthrien should not have written back and said, "un-exile Alistair and we have a deal..." just to see what the response would be.)