Reviews for Klaine: the Extended Edition
Amelia chapter 69 . 7/15
CAN YOU FINISH PLEASE!? i am loving all your write- in cute moments between Kurt and Blaine. and i personally would have a lot of fun writing the hurt locker episodes. I JUST WANT TO READ MORE KURT AND BLAINE. sorry, im kinda fangirling lol. its a really good story (so far hopefully) and i would love to see more,
BatFlashAquaven11 chapter 2 . 6/2
i loved that last line!
BatFlashAquaven11 chapter 64 . 6/2
Guest chapter 45 . 4/1
Blaine's character would have never cheated. He would have gone to NY to talk to Kurt as to why Kurt was shutting him out. What happened was so much Kurts fault, because Blaine needed to be cared about and listened to. Kurt totally shut him out. Blaine said he did not go there to have sex with the guy, but it happened. That part was wrong, but the way Kurt isolated Blaine and didnt answer his calls or texts or call him back, that was all Kurt's fault. And yet Kurt wanted Blaine on his terms, not caring anything about hurting Blaine. In addition, Blaine admitted to Kurt what happened and why. He told Kurt he thought they were through, because Kurt had shut him out. But Kurt never listened, he was mean, and cruel and arrogant. There was no reason for Blaine to even tell Kurt about what happened, but because he was such an honest carring person who loved Kurt he did. People who cheat never admitt their actions unless they are caught. The writters did a terrible dis-service to the Klaine couple from season 4 on. The writing was horrible, and Kurt's character was awful. Kurt became a different person, not a grown-up but a jerk. Same with Rachel, here she so in love with Finn, and does the right thing sending her to NY, and within 4 months, she's having sex with someone else. None of this made sense.
Batflash chapter 15 . 2/16/2019
I really like this whole story even tho I’m reading completely out of order

I especially liked the talk between Burt and Blaine!
French chapter 69 . 7/29/2018
Étant donné que la série Glee est terminé vous pourriez terminé c que vous avez déjà fait non?
Writesalott chapter 9 . 5/12/2017
lol my muscle memory does the exact same thing: changes blame to Blaine. lol
Ann Parker chapter 69 . 5/3/2017
Hi! I just recently found this story and I've greatly enjoyed the scenes you added, particularly some of their more serious conversations that they needed to have but we didn't see on the show. I know it's been years so maybe you've abandoned this story for whatever reason but I do hope you finish it!
trumpetcatgirl chapter 69 . 1/20/2017
Please finish! I love this!
Gleeful Darren Criss FAn chapter 69 . 7/17/2016
I can't believe I haven't reviewed this. This was the first chapter story I read on here, and now I absolutely am addicted to reading and writing fan fiction because of you. This story is incredible. You clearly put A LOT of work and effort into this. I just wish this had went throughout the duration of the show, although I was disappointed in season 6. I hope that you haven't stopped writing.
aliciataytay chapter 69 . 6/3/2016
Awh these were so good! I don't know if you check back on here anymore but i wish you wouldve continued these. :(

Either way, I always come here when I feel unsatisfied if there's not enough Klaine and I need my fix. Thank you for writing these. :)
Lex in Wonderland chapter 68 . 5/31/2016
I hope you can continue this, because this fic is A-MA-ZING!
kelseykitten1995 chapter 30 . 2/2/2016
The come what may part was perfect given that you didn't even know they were going to sing it in a later episode in season 4 bravo beautiful fanfiction
kelseykitten1995 chapter 1 . 1/31/2016
Hi I love your work. I can't stop reading it. I read it with the episode playing lol I'm a dork. I was just wondering if you're gonna do the rest of the series? Please.
Guest chapter 69 . 10/15/2015
Okay so I finally catched up with your whole story and I absolutely love this! Thank you so much for writing. There was always this nagging feeling of what did Kurt and Blaine do between scenes and reading about that here makes me really happy! I really hope you'll continue the story!
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