Reviews for Never Have I Ever
LunarCatNinja chapter 1 . 12/8/2017
Never Have I Ever is such a great game for characters to go through. I wish more people used it. You used it well!
FUCKYOUASSHOLE chapter 1 . 1/31/2017
Thanks for writing this. I honestly prefer this kind of Suzaku. The good Suzaku, the one before he turns bitter and cold. Anyways, good work.

Whoa! I never would've thought Suzaku was such an experienced guy. Oh man, it was a total shock for me. Hahaha! I loved how Lelouch kept on saying innuendos by accident. It was hilarious.

( 。・_・。)人(。・_・。 )

( F ) ( i ) ( r ) ( e ) ( b ) ( a ) ( l ) ( l ) - ( F ) ( u ) ( c ) ( h ) ( s ) ( i ) ( a )
AngelsBeast chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
wow, that drinking game... very good idea! poor Suzaku... XD
Sedinette Michaelis chapter 1 . 9/19/2015
XD Suzaku has experience 3 thank you for the chapter !

Anime100 chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
This is truly very interesting to read
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 1 . 3/18/2014
I loved this story so much!

Suzaku and Lelouch are so cute and adorable together! I love this pairing!
Sapadu chapter 1 . 3/15/2014
Fangirls rejoice, for Suzaku is drunk and adorkable! So, this fic is, hands down, the one of your one-shot, short, smut!fics, that makes me laugh more than any other. Part of it might be connected to the fact that I sometimes have the unhealthy temptation to drink right along with the characters… but the rest of it is just the interactions and how silly they get. As well as the narration: "The game had changed from 'Never Have I Ever' into 'Try to Make Suzaku Not Drink'." Snrk!

The sex, of course, sends these warm shivers up my spine, and its also kind of nice to see them both just… go with it, no analyzing, no guilt, no resentment or jealousy or anything ugly or nasty. I'd even make the argument that, given some of the other fics you write with these two, even LOVE is a nasty emotion between them at times. This… this is pure fun. And it's really, really nice.
Cieltsuki chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
totally hot, I love when Suzaku's the one on top :P
ayaheartright chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
I think I need a cold shower. Wonderful smut.
GothicDebby chapter 1 . 9/1/2012
fantacination chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Eek, not OP or anything, but loved this back in the kmeme! I kinda almost wished there were more rounds just to see if there's /anything/ Suzaku hasn't done (threesomes? voyeurism? sex outdoors?- and then they find out he apparently has never held someone's hand on a date or something.) and the slow-building horror from everyone involved XDD. Poor, poor Suzaku. Too promiscuous to stay sober. The SuzaLulu was, of course, a very nice ending. And I am incredibly amused that it felt like most of the student council admitted to chasing Lelouch and that he's unattainable. XD
spinninground chapter 1 . 3/8/2012
That. was. ADORABLE. Granted, I just read something angsty and needed a pick-me-up, and this was perfect. Perfect enough to make me purr. Ah, who'm I kidding, it's practically squeal inducing. I do love it when the circumstances are unrealistically uncomplicated, funny, and sweet. and smutty, mustn't forget that...
VampHime chapter 1 . 2/29/2012

ugh I'm pretty sure all the summary said was a blow job okay I was not prepared for the sex IT JUST CAME AT ME AND IT WAS SO HOT UGH LET ME DIE.
Iewees chapter 1 . 1/13/2012
Omg. One word. Hot xD love how the story develops.. The sex scene.. Gosh. Nose bleed. XD though it'll e quite funny if lelouch started pouting and suzaku has to deal with it xD I shall favourite this cos suzaku's topping
touchreceptors chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
...oh, shit, that was hot. Very nice. *makes a mental note to dig up more of your fic once I have more time*

Bonus cookies yet again for the dialogue at the end. I also like how you focused enough on the other characters at the start - characterization there was also lovely.

...and that was my attempt at coherency, which I will consider as.. not bad, given how good this was. Mmm. GOOD JOB. ALSO I THINK I LOVE YOU NOW FOR GIVING US THIS.
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