Reviews for Forgive Me My Sins
throughandthrough chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
I hate Lupin. His ideals have certainly changed.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/31/2017
Words Cannot Describe How Much I Love Draco’s unawareness
Phoenix6975 chapter 7 . 7/19/2016
what I found most disturbing is Lupin's indifference towards Harry pain. If this was my best friends son I would sooner wrip my heart out of my chest before I would let anything like this happen to that child.
WinterBourne444 chapter 15 . 6/24/2015
This was so sad. I was so glad that Tom showed up at the end!
duchessme chapter 15 . 4/28/2015
a cliff-hanger for an endng?
What a way to end
was a nice plot.
MamaNanaJane63 chapter 15 . 3/9/2015
I normally abhor slash fics...but this one was brilliant. Your treatment of the relationship between Harry and Severus never crossed the line into pornography which is normally why I hate slash...BRAVO! BRAVO!
jwstahle chapter 3 . 11/4/2013
I love this story a lot because it explains so much for the 2nd one. One thing I am curious about is how Harry trusts Snape so quickly. I am assuming a lot of things happened during the first 12 months of training that allowed them to grow closer and trust each other a little more. I would enjoy reading a prequel to this prequel showing the first 12 months. I think that would be really good.
staretoile chapter 15 . 4/9/2013
Hi Mione,

I really could strangle Dumbledore and the other for what they did to Harry. I hope Sirius and James will
get their revenge on Remus once he is dead.

I liked Harry's first summer of freedom! Blaise is really strong, when he changes places with Harry and sacrifices
his whole summer. Severus is so sweet.

I once read your sequel before, but I am looking forward to reading it again, tomorrow.

Cool story!
spk chapter 15 . 1/7/2013
WOW! I am in awe! I had somehow missed this prequel when it was originally posted. I have to say that this was even better than the main story. While "Betrayal" filled the reader with power, satisfaction, and sadness, this story just fills me with heartbreak and rage for Harry. I honestly will not be able to read any stories where Dumbledore is a "good guy" anytime soon because he currently enrages, GREAT characterizations. I now have to go back and re-read "Betrayal" even though I just read it last night. :)
Hesperis chapter 15 . 11/19/2012
Yay! I would like to be there and see Dumblefuck face! In my opinion, Dumbledore is so much worse than Dark Lord.
I'm looking forward the sequel! o)
YeCatsJ chapter 15 . 11/12/2012
Amazing story. I'm glad I took your advice and read betrayal first even though this was technically a prequel. Out of All the other manipulative dumbles stories I've read I've never hated his character so much as in this story. My only puzzlement is the lack of reviews for this story. It was fabulous. I'm a little sad about the end of betrayal but happy to read the third instalment and that Harry and sev finally got their happily ever after.
Bela Vosa chapter 2 . 6/15/2012
XD Ten more points to gryffindor XD glad to see someone had the same idea as me XP
EvilDime chapter 15 . 5/2/2012
I did enjoy this.

Although the proportions between Harry's torture and an actual plot seem to disfavor the plot; it gets a bit much at times. I don't think I needed quite that many scenes where Harry was barely alive, struggling to move, with his body about to come undone.

I loved the strawberry allergy, though. XD

And I was positively surprised by the bright, hopeful tone of the ending. That's rare in your fics... and unexpected, knowing how the sequel ends. Which I'll re-read now, and then move on to the new chapter; in spite of actually hating death fics. I guess if I needed any more proof, this seals it - I'm really a masochist...

- Dime
gobert chapter 1 . 3/10/2012
OK - I lied - I just saw this...gonna have to put the tissues away least I know everyone will be alive at the end of this one...yes, please!
sephsdaughter chapter 15 . 10/26/2011
I have to say, this story was awesome. I can't find many stories anymore where Harry is dark but is with someone other than Voldie. And I, sincerely, enjoyed it. Even though in the beginning how you did the quotations bothered me greatly. However, really, brava on an amazing story :) Made me being sick just a little bit better.
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