Reviews for No Bravery
Guest chapter 1 . 11/26/2014
Thanks so much for this wonderful story! :') beautiful yet so sad, a story like this is a bloody rarity!
ladybug114 chapter 1 . 4/19/2014
Wow. Just... wow.
I know (and love) you for your Sherlock stories, and, until now, those were the only ones i read. But i started watching supernatural a little over a month ago- I'm at the beginning of season 3. So today, when i went back to your profile to re-read some Sherlock, i saw you had supernatural stuff- and of course decided to read some of it.
this story was phenomenal. It was emotional- very fitting for the episode- and the characters are spot-on. Fanfics don't usually make me emotional, but this one did.
so, again, fantastic job.
RayneSummer chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
This was fantastic and very emotional. Amazing.
ccase13 chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
If poor Bobby had known what Dean would do, he might have put a bullet in Dean's head while he lay beside Sam. I know if Dean had seen the future he would have let Bobby help him cremate Sam and hunted until something killed him.

Strangely, the world might have been much worse off without the Winchesters at the gate to hell in the Wyoming cemetary.
Phx chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
OOh that was so sad and so well done. It is one of the few stories I have seen where Bobby actually expresses grief at Sam's passing. Most of the time, he is just there for Dean so I liked seeing that he too felt the weight of that loss. Well done.
zekeschance chapter 1 . 9/1/2011
This story was so well done and different. I really loved it! A nice touch of reading Dean's anguish and the boys relationship through Bobby's eyes. Just a really intense story and I appreciated it so much. Thanks!
Moydra chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
I love how you write Bobby. And not just in this one. His reflections on his relationship with the boys and their relationship with each other are so touching. And with this one, it was just heartbreaking.
elleran1969 chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Great story sad and touching.
Marianna Morgan chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
This story is just...GUH.

Love it.
DarkAero chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
This story is amazing. I've felt myself glued to every word. And I really had to read until the very last paragraph.

I just want to say that it was a complete privilege reading this. Thank you for sharing.

Favorite Story
giacinta2 chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
What a hauntimg story.

I love Bobby's POV on the boys as he knows them better than anyone and probably loves them just as much as John did. ( if not more )

The touch with the Mass cards was completely believable, it's just something that I could see Sammy doing for those victims' souls.

I can just imagine him pulling them out and reading them when he had a private moment and, of course, probably feeling that it was all his fault that they died!

I don't know if Dean would have killed himself if he had not thought of the Crossroads deal, he might have waited for some monster to kill him thus avoiding suicide, which as far as the theory goes would have put him in a different place from Sam.

Thanks for this lovely brotherly story especially as recently there seem to be nothing but Castiel/ Dean stories which are not

my thing at all, regards