Reviews for The Wolf's Father
Drake Rhapsody chapter 1 . 5/14/2014
That was simply brilliant. I always thought that Loki had every right to try to destroy Asgard after what they did to his children, and you described it perfectly!
MegaOtaku777 chapter 1 . 9/18/2013
Why would they do that? And to have Loki watch... I never did like Odin or Thor very much.
TruffleHeadnolongeractive chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
Goodness, that was a perfect little ficlet of perfection. *hugs monitor to chest* I am feeling both happy and sad right now what is happening to my emotions
LillianeDeMalvrier chapter 1 . 4/2/2013
I always thought that what the Gods did to Loki and his children was fucking unfair and this fic made the story hurt even more *sob*
Death101- Fox Version chapter 1 . 11/12/2012
I don't really know much about Norse mythology other than what I learned from Magical Detective Loki (I might have the name wrong.) However, I enjoyed this. The start was heartwrenching and the ending was a bit amusing. Nicely done.
AvatarAmidala1985 chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
This fic is so sad, it made me so mad when I read Norse mythology and they did all of that horrible stuff to Loki's children because of something that might or might happen. Have they thought that maybe they are putting Ragnarok in motion by doing the horrible things they did to keep it from happening. I also enjoyed the fact that Loki had Sigyn by his side to comfort him, in Norse mythology I always pictured Sigyn to be very a very loving wife to Loki. Keep up the good work.
ShadowsClaw chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
This is awesome, I like it a lot:oD
LittleBlueNightingale chapter 1 . 10/2/2011
*sniffle.* aww, see i always saw Loki as just mischevious, and then after wha happened to his family, he became vengeful. aww...
Mayarin chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
I must be perfectly honest - I do not know much about Norse Mythology.

That being said, this piece is beautifully written. The language is musical despite the tension and your word choice is flawless.

I love it!