Reviews for Remnants of Yesterday
LullabyTales chapter 1 . 12/12/2017
Gosh. I feel so sad. Love the angst. I love how you told about what happened to HermioneDraco and HarryGinny
Arnindhita chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
You got me youtube-in Bruce Springsteen :)
It's so sweet yet realistic, I love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
Your story makes me happy!
signedheart chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
This made me sad, but I loved it. Very well written and hey, who doesn't love Springsteen?
fourtristeam chapter 1 . 11/28/2014
Short and sweet! I adore this story. Break-up stories are my favourite and this had been a delight to read. :) Thank you for this lovely story!
Orchid Rollo chapter 1 . 5/10/2013
This is strangely didn't break my heart. Instead, it's just give me an example of how people with broken relationship must go on. Still, my Dramione heart want them to be together. Good story though. :)
AmeliaDarkholme chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
Well, I definitely have to teach my just-divorced uncle and just-broke-up cousin about this. They're more like Harry and Ginny that I found it very frustrating.

Anyway, this story is definitely something I was looking for. Loved it!
Goyard chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
Gaahh! I want to love this story because I think it's really, really good and beautiful... But I'm a sucker for a happy ending story.

For a moment, I thought it might be a flashback/flashforward story, especially the part where Hermione and Draco were in a cafe. But thenn... *sigh*
Track45 chapter 1 . 3/21/2012
This was sweet but sad. I wish there would have been a happier ending for Draco and Hermione but it was sweet all the same.
katereads chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
I can't believe this story only has 9 reviews, well now 10 once you add mine. I hope more people read this, Dramione fan or not, happily together with the one they love or not. Everyone can relate to this type of love story.

This is definitely one of the FEW Dramione getting together-than breaking up stories that left me heartbroken and in tears but satisfied. Good choice not having them end up together in the end (though I am sure others will disagree), they've accomplished what their relationship was meant to do and it was time to part ways, quoting you, "She was happy and grateful and felt like she had finally finished reading a book, that she could finally turn the last page and shut it closed, that she could move on to a different story."-beautiful line btw. Pretty much sums up the story in one line. I am curious though to know why they didn't work out. Hmmm but overall beautifully written, very simple but with a punch. Looking forward to reading your other stories!
Ybara chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
Bittersweet but really well done. I think you captured the emotions perfectly. Great job.
Ukelele chapter 1 . 9/12/2011
Touching and heartfelt in all the right places.
Dazh chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
So beautiful. Well done.
IRuleUK chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
I'm having mixed feelings right now. On the one hand, I hate the fact that you broke Draco and Hermione up, on the other, this was a really beautiful and realistic story that made me cry but not because they broke up, but because it was a little bit sad. The fact that they both moved on was what kept me from hating it. I actually think that this is one of the only realistic fanfics. Even with the magical world, you maneged to make it relateble, people brake up.

I loved it, it's going on to my favourites, not because I think it's the perfect DraMione but because it was real.

I am feeling odd after reading this.

You wrote it perfectly, you wrote the memories at exactly the right time.

It was a realistically beautiful story.

Cally-Muse chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
I'm happy to finally find somebody who sees Draco and Hermione's relationship the way I do - they are meant to lead each other to something else, they are meant to help the other build their life toward their separate futures. They are not meant to live happily ever after, it's just not 'them' at all.

I really liked your story. Very well written, subtle, and I think the characters are pretty well respected.

Thanks for sharing! x
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