Reviews for You Got To Raise Me After All
babybeluga747 chapter 37 . 1/1/2014
This was amazing and devastating. Matt was my first and favorite doctor as well and I was so sad to see him go. This was a great send of the both Amy and Matt
babybeluga747 chapter 36 . 1/1/2014
This is so great! I recently got into supernatural too so it was funny to see Cas
Twilight Joltik chapter 37 . 12/30/2013
I cried. I cried a lot. A very much lot. Thank you, I needed a good cry. This was lovely and perfect and painful, just as a good story should be. Actually, I love all of this story. It's really awesome. Thank you for sharing such awesomeness with the world.
Vilinye chapter 37 . 12/27/2013
Thank you for acknowledging the whole not-happy Christmas thing. Because it really wasn't.
abperry79 chapter 11 . 12/25/2013
I wouldn't call that creepy; more like fascinating in a wibbly wobbly timey wimey sort of way, like they were sort of remembering in reverse without knowing it. I bet the TARDIS had something to do with it too.
Quathis chapter 37 . 12/25/2013
Heart wrenching and bittersweet. He hates goodbyes but he still made the effort for this one. Thank you, and I am sorry this isn't apparently a happy Christmas for you. So then I'll leave you with the other wish for this season- Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men. Worth the effort to hope for, right? Until next time.
abperry79 chapter 3 . 12/25/2013
Aww, that was so cute!
Daniella Violet Moon chapter 37 . 12/25/2013
I'm like 8 hours away from the Christmas special now and do you know what. This last tale really isn't helping my Raggedy Man sadness. Wow, I'm actually really crying now. But I will be glad that in this parallel dimension the Doctor got to say goodbye properly.
zaida.thorngage chapter 36 . 11/22/2013
Awww... I was rather hoping that it would be her adopted son, Anthony, since their time lines would sort of overlap, too. :)

I had hoped that would be where this chapter was headed, but it's okay all the same.

Looking forward to more. :)
walking.disaster93 chapter 36 . 11/17/2013
Damn, girl! You know how to get the feels out of us, very interesting plot twist, really like the idea of Castiel watching over Amy, Rory and Mels... Looking forward to your next chapter which I am sure will be epic!
Quathis chapter 36 . 11/14/2013
Interesting crossover and makes me wonder how many of these little cameos came into their lives. Also greatly enjoyed the Angel references and subtle future hints were made. If crossovers are open game, then maybe something with the Ponds having dinner with friends who have secrets of their own. Maybe something like meeting Arthur Weasley, who is Rory's second cousin or something. Just a fun, hints-ladden dinner with family and/or friends with secrets the others don't know. Until next time.
Vilinye chapter 36 . 11/14/2013
Way to unsettle a little girl, Cas. Creep her out forever, why don't you?
Dovev Trats chapter 35 . 9/11/2013
Awesome... just... awesome
Vilinye chapter 35 . 8/27/2013
NOT OKAY! NOT OKAY! 100% NOT OKAY. rude rude rude!
Kerjen chapter 35 . 8/19/2013
"Clara's strange, broken up lives all echoed into each-other": that doesn't change the fact that she never met anyone boy named Rory. She clearly says that was a lie, that it was really a girl named Nina that she fancied. Which fits in with the main Clara too since she's mentioned Nina a few times.

"as for her going and just undoing things, maybe it was the GI that was trying to hurt Rory" GI clearly states in the episode that he's specifically attacking the Doctor himself, hence both GI and Clara being shown with the Doctor each time and not any companion.

You can check the transcripts if you don't believe me; I did to make sure I wasn't telling you something wrong for the above two points.

Also, Moffat made it canon that River doesn't have a key for the TARDIS in different episodes, even after Manhattan. (She can't just have the Tardis open for her either.) Same as River and the Doctor can't use anything to go back to any place on Earth from the 1930s to 2012 (you probably saw the article about him explaining this in detail) ; so how does River get the letters from Amy: does she send them to some place that will hold them to 2012 for River to pick them up? The way River has to go back earlier than 1930s and have someone hold the Melody Malone book to send to Amy in 1938?

Also, Moffat doesn't allow any of River's grandparents know she exists, so is this an AU chapter?
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