Reviews for Sacrilege
Jaya Avendel chapter 1 . 5/19/2017
Cool story. I liked how you portrayed all the emotions.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/3/2016
Great story, quite sweet too. I laughed more than few times.
Little Doctor chapter 1 . 9/20/2014
DarkWalker667 chapter 1 . 3/3/2014
I love reading Zak and Drizzt and this is one of the best stories I have read yet. So good!
Silvara chapter 1 . 11/3/2012
This was sweet. Everyone was tuned perfectly, I love how you flesh out Vierna. I must see if you've written more of them. :D
sablin27 chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
I think you've really nailed the appeal of the early books, for me at least. (The culture of a society that holds evils as it's highest goods. How such a society could nurture people in opposition to all it's aspirations. The difficulty of rebelling against your society, especially without any concept of alternatives. How such rebels would still be marked by the assumptions and prejudices of their childhood.) I also like the speculation on the nature of Drow children. Whether through authorial beliefs, in-universe prejudice or just my own misinterpretation, the books seemed to fall rather heavily on the nature side of the nature/nurture debate.

I like the writing and characterisation for it's own sake, too, I just particularly like the portrayal of Drow society.
vela513 chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
Good story! I like tales that portray Zaknafein as not too insane... that last bit about Rizzen getting the fall was particularly good too. But does Zak really hate mages all that much? I know he doesn't like Rizzen, I mean, who does? It's Rizzen!

But in the books it was mentioned, I think, he found more value in a good sword than the arcane bits and bobs for getting things done. Wasn't it?
Immortal Bubblewrap chapter 1 . 11/9/2011
This is a really realistic situation. R. A. Salvatore could've easily made this part of the actual book if he had thought of it :)

I think Zak was soft, but not too soft and everyone seemed to be in character! :)

I quite like the idea of Vierna being hesitant to beat her father as well... Anyways I loved this! When Drizzt laughed, I actually ended up laughing as well.

Really good fic :D

Loved it.
Chaerod chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
Extremely well-written, and an excellent idea on top of that! I think you did do an excellent job of making Zaknafain soft- for a Drow, anyways- while still remembering that he is still a Drow. I was also impressed that you remembered to write Drizzt as a child- most people have trouble with keeping the children children. And lastly, well done on your portrayal of Drow society. I haven't read Homeland in almost a year, but this was a good refresher.

So, in short, nicely done!

general zargon chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
I loved this story, and I thought you wrote Zak and young Drizzt really well! I can actually see Zak teaching Drizzt to draw on the floor during a ceremony, and I laughed along with Drizzt at the mental image of Briza running away from a dragon. I hope you decide to write more for this fandom! Again, I really enjoyed this story! :)
singvogel chapter 1 . 9/1/2011
I can actually see that happening, Zaknafein being just a little sentimental over seeing his son, but not so much that he appears OOC. Very nice!
Fallon-Idalia chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Absolutely loved it!

I liked how you made Zak a little soft, a little sympathetic to his son and the drawing idea was cute :) I think you did a really great job! The dislogue between the females seemed very accurate and their interactions with the males seemed right in character too.

Your thoughts flow very logically and it made for a really good and easy read!


- Fallon.
PhantomBoo chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
I feel bad for Rizzen, he's always the beaten neglected scapegoat D:! but this story feels like a real "day in drow life". They are not all fucked up, they have to obey a psychotic goddess and their matron mother, not everyone seems to think that what "has to be done" is just. they seem to have a mind of their own instead of just being mindless drows looking for blood :O.

SO, you did a great job :D