Reviews for The Courtship of Lady Sif
Questlock1 chapter 1 . 7/31/2018
first of all, Loki would, as i know him, NOT say "i am ever in your service, Lady Sif', at least not truthfully, Loki always has an escape hatch...remember the scene in Thor: The Dark World when Loki fakes his death? (escape hatch) I figuired it out, he cast his illusion over a great distamce then made his illusion of himself seem to be real so real, in fact, that you could see and touch him...clever son of a magic bitch
Guest chapter 1 . 4/7/2016
Difference between Sif and Jane
Like seriously, Thor IS made to be with Sif
Jane is the boring, tepid, science nerd who is TOO boring for everyone else. She is smart, sure, but she's just so annoyingly frustrated(look at her reaction with Odin!)
and besides,she did nothing but go crazy when Thor's going missing or in peril. And?she's a damsel in distress
Sif is the perfect partner for Thor. She 's smart ,tough and the Ulrtimate Queen Bee of Asgard. She understands Thor more than anyone and is willing to go great lengths for Thor. She's also more caring and soft to Thor,and she REALLY cares for him(look at Jane-all she does was fret, fret and fret)They were childhood sweethearts and all of Asagrd knew from the early on they are destined to be together. They are kickbutt warriors and LOVE outdoorsy adventures. Sif sees more of Thor than just a blundering fact,she saw him as a 'courageous, kind and just ruler,the Lion of Asgard.'And let's facei it-Sif is NOT blind,she's REALLY in love
Guest chapter 1 . 4/6/2016
Thor and Sif HC
Thor and Sif are childhood sweethearts since the very beginning. They are the best of friends and people ALWAYS thought they were meant to be together.
But during Thor's exile to Midgard, he falls for Jane, much to the heartbreak of Sif and the disappointment and dismay of the Asgardians and Thor's friends
Not even Fandral flirts with her.
Sif grew an INTENSE hatred for Jane and ganged up with her girlfriends/minions to bully her if she ever came to Asgard, which they eventually did, by backstabbing, beating her up, guffawing at her and even pranks her in front of every one else.
Let's be honest Sif can be REALLY mean. But she's also really nice.
When Thor breaks up with Jane prior tot he events in the Civil war because he can't seem to forget Sif,all of asgard rejoices and start SHIPPING them like crazy.
In thor 3,Thor and Sif rekindled their old romance and are eventually engaged. Their marriage produced tiwn sons, Magni and thorsi,and a daughter,Torunn.
They still form a strong alliance with Loki and Sigyn, who were now the rulers of Vanaheim after Freya and Nanna's death
Their theme songs would be This is My idea, Lionheart, You belong with me, Love Story, Right here, I won't say I'm in love and I love you.
Sif has gone a bad trauma during the time Thor was with Jane. She uncharacteristically shuts in her room and cries for days.(a VERY unlikely move for a toughass warrior chick like her)
I chapter 3 . 12/21/2015
So good
Wonderstruck Pen chapter 3 . 3/13/2014
This is really cute, especially this chapter!
Keep writing!
musicalgirl4474 chapter 3 . 1/27/2014
Oh, I love Sif's comment about the studying.
AniGirl 7 chapter 3 . 12/17/2013
MY FAVE! This is my first read Loki/Sif fic and I love it! I fell in love with the idea of Sif/Loki and Sif/Thor after I saw Dark World last week and this is just what I was looking to read. Great job! Hope you'll do another. :-D
Redi chapter 3 . 11/18/2013
Niiice, and funny, and light.
Go ahead, you made my day a little better.
Dean chapter 3 . 9/9/2013
Such a sweet sweet story. I'm having lots of fun reading this. Thank you for sharing this. You make my day ;))
Queen of Elba chapter 3 . 8/24/2013
Lovely story! So cute... :)
JTReads chapter 3 . 8/2/2013
Ahaha XD This was both sweet and cute.
UnScrambled chapter 3 . 10/21/2012
A lovely fic!
LillyMorgan chapter 3 . 7/19/2012
I have been reading this all morning and all I can say is AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

I really want more D:
Guest chapter 3 . 7/17/2012
Upon re-reading it (for the hundredth time, I think!), it just occurred to me that maybe all those pretty little speeches Thor and Fandral said to Sif when they were pretending to court her, well, Loki must have come up with them, right? So, maybe those were words he wanted to say to her himself, but couldn't or wouldn't because of reasons. Squeee.
stxrdusty chapter 3 . 6/30/2012
So cute! Sif and Loki are adorable together :)
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