Reviews for Heartfelt Paper Airplanes
mendenbar chapter 21 . 4/11/2018
Are you going to come back to this ever? I am dying here. I come back periodically in hope.
iridescenceoflove chapter 21 . 2/7/2018
Okay, just wow. When I finished your previous story, (The Letterbox) I was so floored by it, and I delved right into this one, eager to find what would happen next. If it was even more possible, I have fallen in love with this even more, which in a way, is unfortunate for me. I realized that you hadn’t finished this before I continued on with the second chapter of this story, and I truthfully contemplated whether to read on because I am one of those people who see an uncompleted story and stray away from it because by the time I’m finished, I end up being very sad and depressed. However, I was so desperate to find out what would unfold next because of the the way The Letterbox had ended, that I just had to continue on, knowing that by the end of this, I was going to be hurting for more. And because of that, I almost hoped that I would hate this, so then I could save myself from the disappointment of an unfinished story. But of course, you never ceased to fail with your writing, and this was exceptional, which was what I was mainly expecting. But what hurt the most of course, was the fact that when I read the last time this was updated, I realized it was almost 4 years ago. That made me hurt even more. It’s a long time, and from the reviews and your author side notes on some of the last chapters, you had been waiting awhile each time with updates, but 4 years is definitely a long period of hiatus. It’s disappoitning, because I know the longer, the less of a chance you’ll come back to revive and complete this magnificently beautiful sorry unfolding. I would love to come back and see this story updated so it can be reached to its full potential. You’re a stunning writer, you have that talent to know your way with words. Don’t let this one slip, please! Not only for all your fans who are just as disappointed and anxious as I am, but do it for yourself too, so you can look back at your accomplished work and say you completed these both. I know this sounds selfish of course, and I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make you feel guilty or depressed, because I know how that feels. But I also know how it feels to abandon a story that you’ve worked so hard on, just to leave it unfinished in all its unpromised glory. I hope you’re still here on FanFiction and will read this—along with the others’ reviews—and have a spark of renewed hope and fervor to complete this. If not, that’s entirely up to you of course. But please come back to at least tell us if this will forever be left in the dust, or you will revive it someday. It would be better than all your fans to hope for something that inevitably won’t happen. Much well wishes and love, and I truly hope you read this and come back.
jk chapter 20 . 1/29/2017
I found myself re-reading this great story. just wanted to let you know how much i enjoyed it even with a repeated reading. You make the characters so believable I feel like i am watching an amazing episode or two.

Want to know what would be awesome? A new chapter. :-) It is never to late to finish a fic.
Liv it up 124 chapter 20 . 1/9/2017
Out of some sort of strange feeling, before I typed up this comment I decided to look at the comments previously left. I discovered that somehow, the most recent one was from myself, on the 14th of November, 2015. It is now the 10th if January, 2017, and I find myself once again having reread this story, finding it no less exquisite than 2 years ago, or the 6 years ago when I first discovered it. Once again, I was captivated by the way you captured the very essences of the characters that I fell in love with all those years ago. I find myself repeating a pattern, because I am once again rewatching the episodes from the start, and, once again, find myself reaching a point at which it is painful to watch these beautiful characters be dimished to a shadow of what they were on the show. As much as I love them, the way you write them here in this story is the way I want to remember them forever. Thank you for showing me that magic once again. So, maybe in 2019 I will return to read this story again, after finding myself searching for the spark that was lost on the screen. Maybe you will have updated, but maybe you won't have. Either way, much like before, it has been, is, and will always be worth it. Thank you again.
Liv it up 124 chapter 21 . 11/13/2015
I remember reading this years ago, being awed at the sheer intensity of the story and equally amazed by how truly you understood the characters. Now, I read it again and that feeling intensified. I stopped watching Bones too- it hurt in a way that isn't very logical, but it was almost as if I couldn't bear to watch them take away the magic that was the show. I recently had the urge to see if I remembered it right, and ended up watching from the beginning. Yet, as I did before, I got to the exact same episode in the show and I couldn't watch them tear apart what had been so carefully created, something so beautiful and so magical that I felt like I needed to protect it, so I turned once again to FanFiction. It is stories like these that keep that magic alive. You keep them alive, the way that we can only dream about being a reality. I hope you do finish this story one day. We all fell in love with them. I hope you find that part of you that made you write this story to begin with. Alas, I know that is probably not going to happen, so I would like instead to say a sincere thank you. Thank you, for letting us experience that magic again for a few hours. It was worth it.
Sylvia Hill chapter 21 . 11/5/2015
I have read the first one and now this followup (I usually like to read the entire story before I post a review) and I can tell you, without a doubt, that I have utterly enjoyed them totally. I have laughed, cried, mourned, rejoiced, grieved and rejoiced again all the way through. I love your humor, subtle and otherwise. I have caught your subtle hints as to what was going to happen, and was on edge to see how they were going to work out. As I am a died-in-the wool Bones fan and I have follow it since its beginning, I have been disappointed with some of the episodes, some of the seasons; however, I have stuck it out and have thoroughly enjoyed the latter ones. I simply would like to see you finish this story, if for no other reason than for your own satisfaction, as well as to really resolve the on going problems of all the characters and to close the case. Well Done!
Leelee chapter 21 . 1/5/2015
pls pls pls update this story.. i really hope you'll finish this because i really love it. i reread the letterbox and now this story in two days straight but it makes me sad that now i came to this chapter wanting more.. you're very good at making everyone in this story alive. i love that one moment the characters break you heart and the next make you laugh out loud. i love the angst, the humor and the case. so please, if you can update soon.
kikki hope chapter 21 . 5/5/2014
I am so so glad that you haven't left this story, it is truly great work. Having been a while I went back a few chapters, and wanted to go further and further back, to reread the great work. I haven't seen the show in years, even the reruns make me sad, because I find them so inconsistent with character development. Your story, especially your characters are amazing. Please finish. And please don't hurry it, because a hurried ending ruins even the best stories (eg. The hunger games).
Thanks for sharing
Keep writing
luckywynner86 chapter 21 . 5/2/2014
Awwww, I felt so bad for Sweets, but I'm glad that he's in the know now. The ending put a huge smile on my face.
bsav6 chapter 21 . 4/9/2014
I am so glad you posted. I truly missed this fic.

I understand your sentiment toward the show. I watch the show to simply show my support of the cast. I read fanfiction to get my characters.

I'll read the next time you post, regardless of how much time has past.

Thank you for sharing.
Percabethgirl2645 chapter 4 . 4/5/2014
"I can never leave the shrink at the office. He gets lonely." LOLOLOL Best line ever. XD
LondonLI chapter 21 . 3/28/2014
I'm so glad you updated. I always enjoyed your unique plots and takes on their characters and I appreciate your commitment to finishing up a fine story. Thanks for the new chapter!
Guest chapter 21 . 3/22/2014
Great chapter.
lemonout chapter 21 . 3/22/2014
Thanks so much for the update! I can't wait to see what happens next.
SammieAtHome chapter 21 . 3/21/2014
This story is one of the best I've read. I'm sad you haven't watched Bones in while. I believe if you did, despite many storyline mistakes, you'd see it has evolved. And I believe there lies an idea for your next path for this story. How can they evolve while staying true to themselves? Hope you'll grace us with more chapters as we await eagerly.
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