Reviews for Beyond Expectations
Erilin-chan chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
I like the progression. Good story :)
Darkgirl5 chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
Nice job, as always. I don't think you've written anything that I can't appreciate in one way or other, and it doesn't hurt that I have a real secret (or not so secret) love of Vincent/Yuffie stories.

Good job keeping them both in character. Yuffie is probably one of the only truly 'kooky' Final Fantasy characters that doeesn't make my hair stand on end (unlike Vanille and Selphie). I loved her in game antics, even if they did make me want to scream, and I love your extrapolation of those antics into this story. Her messages are great! (I always felt a bit cheated in AC that we didn't get more info when Vincent tells Cloud to tell Yuffie to stop calling his phone).

Anyway, I'll cut this off now because I'm starting to ramble. Once again, thanks for sharing!
rbooo chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
I really liked it, the build up of their ... strange relationship. Great job !
aburameclanhead chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
Bizarre but cute. XD
serenbach chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
I really enjoyed this, I like how you spaced out their meetings and the way they interact with each other. I especially like Yuffie's messages! I also like how the emotions slowly develop between them. My favourite part is the last line though. Very Vincent. Great job. :)