Reviews for Learning to Live Without Steve
Guest chapter 3 . 7/23/2014
Next Chapter pleaase!
NeoBritt chapter 1 . 9/13/2005
Just came across this now...I can see that it's been forever since you've updated, but maybe you've still got it lying around to finish it? It's wonderful so far _
Rei chapter 3 . 5/4/2003
I really like this story. Hurry up & do the next chap cause Im really into this story now. I have to admit that I'm a big C/S fan cause the first Resident Evil game I played was Code:V. I havent played the other games except for Nemesis but I do like the concept of C/L...
Ashura Gend chapter 2 . 10/22/2002
This is very touching and so sad! What talented writing you produce, all my congrats! You hit the nail on the head!

Please don't change it for the world, it's perfect as it is. Sad, true, but a change from everything going smoothly. Thank you very much from writing such class and I hope there is room for more...

Or maybe not, but still it's great! ;o)

-Kitana- ;o)
nemesis1313 chapter 2 . 10/14/2002
i like! i think this is a very good story and i like a lot of your other stuff too.
psycho-devils-temper chapter 1 . 9/2/2002
*sniffles* that was so saddening! Can't you be a little more cheerful?
Dee chapter 2 . 7/12/2002
keep going! I have to know what happens next!

Ok i am a huge C/L fan and unfortunately impatient, so i'll be dying till u finish this fic!

Ok altho i think its written beautifully and I think ur a very talented writer i have to comment on it story wise: (this isn't a critism, but a view of the actual RE events)

Ok i doubt Claire loved Steve, i mean she only knew him for a week maximum, and being a girl myself...well girls in general don't go for younger guys and all the events in code veronica only showed that steve loved claire not vice versa. So i think she woulda gotten over it in a month, it could never drive her to killing herself! Claire is so much stronger than that anyway. Just coz she cried when he died doesn't mean she loved him and would die without him (heck anyone would cry) and she seemed fine like an hour after.

Umm, thats just what i think, but i can imagine that if Claire really did fall in love with him or something her emotions r portrayed well through this grief...just without the suicide attempts. as u can see i'm very anti-suicide. Anyways hurry up and do the next chapter, I'm lovin it! Will Leon save Claire's body and soul? lets hope so!
a friend chapter 2 . 6/7/2002
you are very talented, this was filld with great emotion it made me cry, please keep writing
Squall13 chapter 2 . 5/7/2002
GamerGirl chapter 1 . 5/6/2002
Aww man...let me just say, that ain't the thing to be readin at 3 am when you're depressed over a stupid guy and you're listenin to sad songs.

However, I still think that was very beautifully written. I actually cried!

I liked the whole Steve/Claire/Leon love-triangle sorta thing...I have crushes on Steve and Leon(Yeah, yeah...I know they're just game characters...sheeshy), but Claire's a cool chick so it's all good.

I'll definitely read your "Steve or Sherry" story if ya ever get around to readin it.

Well yeah...I've babbled on here long enough...
Brian1 chapter 2 . 5/5/2002
Damn! I had the same idea too. ;-; Except mine had Rebecca tricking Jill at the start of the story, and then shooting her in the back of the head... I can't write it anymore. x.x; Ah well, good luck with your version...
RE-Chick chapter 1 . 4/22/2002
Whoa...that was soooooo sad. I started to cry.::slaps self still crying, 'it's just a game, it's just a game':: Really good! even sadder when you are listening to the song "How can i live without you." very nice fic.
wesker chapter 1 . 4/20/2002
it was good but god did u have to make it end that way
Sheenah267 chapter 1 . 4/20/2002
That was really good, seriously. You know, I would have do the same thing as Claire, if there weren't my friends and my family. But still, it was really touching and well written. Good work!
Brian1 chapter 1 . 4/20/2002
I liked it, but personally I think she should've gone to the other place instead of where she ended up. Like, she'd be forced to relieve what had happened over and over again for wasting her life.

Just my two cents _ Pretty good ficcy.
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