Reviews for Desolation Song
nessiesmith2012 chapter 18 . 3/25/2018
I like your story but songbirds naiveness is becoming more and more irritating. I get she is a virgin but virgins are completly airheaded clueless. Expecially since ur hinting that she traveled with a circus. she shouldnt be this lame. Slow burn isnt right more like off n on with akward airhead. She has amazing throwing abilities and can climb easy but we barely see that. We ae her atumbling around asking questions abt the simplist things. Her behavior screams airhead and its hard to imagin an airhead qould survive by herswlf 4 3 weeks in an apocalypse. Ill keep reading cause it is good but in small doeses. Cant take that much idoicy without getting rritated.
Guest chapter 103 . 6/13/2016
OMG I love this story so much hope you update soon and continue writing daryl fanfics in the future :) such a cliffhanger
fearthewalkingdead15 chapter 103 . 1/11/2016
love the story, but hate the fact you didn't finish it
nikole salvatore chapter 103 . 5/4/2015
This story is amazing! I was really hoping for an ending though. I love how this story has drama because a lot of the other stories I've read are just all happy go lucky yay everything's okay but that's not how the Walking Dead is. so what I guess I'm saying is awesome job.
nikole salvatore chapter 47 . 5/1/2015
I dont think Daryl was in the graphic novels? I'm confused did I miss something? I do love your story though. Can't stop reading. LOL :)
Lyndell chapter 103 . 12/2/2014
This is by far the best TWD fan fiction I have ever read! BTW, I'm wondering if you're going to continue it... I'd hope to keep reading!
WhisperedLove11 chapter 103 . 11/23/2014
Ssseeeriiiooussllyy? When are you gonna update again? I've been keeping my patience together but I just can't anymore. This is one of my favorite stories and you kinda left us with a major cliffy there... Please update asap?
Guest chapter 57 . 11/7/2014
I'm only up to chapter 57 but wow songbird is a real cunt now and it just shows how immature she is by completely forgetting about someone she "loves" to go hang around with this douche bag Freddy I don't know why she is always sticking up for him he is a complete annoying dickhead
imlovinfanfic chapter 103 . 6/5/2014
great story. I can't wait for the next update. thanks.
KaneCenaZombie12 chapter 103 . 3/10/2014
Shut just got real hope there's more! I love it so far and Rosita loss me off
Emberka-2012 chapter 103 . 3/4/2014
It means nothing. For Daryl there is only Songbird.
I suddenly stopped like Rosita. chapter 103 . 3/4/2014
Uh oh. Sh*t, who the hell is that?! I hope she doesn't ruin anything! Can't wait for the next chapter but also dreading it. :P
Leave Me Alone You Stalker chapter 103 . 3/4/2014
I really hope he doesn't cheat on songbird :(
DarylDixon'sLover chapter 103 . 3/3/2014
Oh shit x Rosita is such a bitch.
KarukMomma chapter 3 . 12/30/2013
I like how he is gravitating to her. I'm also REALLY curious what her history is! Oh, and I hope she puts a little meat on her bones to fill out her butt and breasts. lol
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