Reviews for Airbender's Child: Other Perspectives
Guest chapter 42 . 4/17

I see you used the same background for Kanna as your Proposal series... but man think of Hakoda's reaction to his *mom*'s new boyfriend rather than his mother in law's...
OwlAway chapter 58 . 3/7/2019
Ahhhhhh the final chapter! Thank you for keeping this going as long as you have- it's been lovely. I'm sad it's over but I have really enjoyed the years spent seeing this pop up occasionally in my inbox.
moodygoody chapter 58 . 3/4/2019
Oh this is soooo lovely! The furry things have stolen my heart and filled it with love and fluffyness! *Making many thankful noises* This is great! Best bisons ever! I want a badge or something...
momo211 chapter 58 . 3/4/2019
Aw this is such a bittersweet close to this amazing series. I'm glad I've been along for the whole ride and I hope you have the time and motivation to create some new masterpieces in the future!
HighValour chapter 58 . 3/3/2019
I'm sad to see this series end, but happy it ends on such a lovely note.
Thanks for the years of wonderful content and I look forward to reading whatever comes next.

Thank you for writing this.
KaliAnn chapter 58 . 3/3/2019
A fabulous end to a fabulous story.
EbonyWing chapter 57 . 2/20/2019
That was really enlightening! I never thought about it before but Katara and Azula do actually have similar personalities, just circumstances changed their overall outlook. I really liked this chapter-Katara and Azula bonding...I never thought I'd say this but it was pretty awesome! ;)
moodygoody chapter 57 . 2/18/2019
Yes! Doing a happy dance*
That is just the happy ending I needed for Katara! Winning the war and love life are good, no argument, but starting a close friendship with someone who sees eye to eye with you is very important, having someone who you don't need to be always seeing you in your best light, someone who doesn't expect you to be leading or perfect or following, just you. Having so much in common I believe they can be great friends for the lifetime. Thank you so much for writing it! Gestalt is closed :)
KaliAnn chapter 57 . 2/18/2019
A wonderful and great chapter. I love seeing the girls all getting along
readingKs chapter 57 . 2/18/2019
THIS IS POSSIBLY MY FAVORITE CHAPTER! I could read endless tales about the growing friendship between these two, and maybe Azula could become a good person and encourage some zutara shipping.
ZerefMi chapter 56 . 1/21/2019
I love this whole series so much!3
EbonyWing chapter 56 . 12/10/2018
Aw... Wow, you handled that beautifully! Aang has grown from that conversation/realisation and become more mature and more open to what could really make him happy in the future too. Lovely stuff! :)
OwlAway chapter 56 . 12/10/2018
I’ll be sad not to get these updates anymore- AC and other perspectives has been really fun to follow. Thank you for writing them :)
HighValour chapter 56 . 12/10/2018
As usual you deliver an excellent scene. This might be the most mature look at an Aang accepting Zuko and Katara being together.

Thanks for writing this.
moodygoody chapter 56 . 12/10/2018
It is lovely! And OMG is it Katara/Azula interaction approaching?! does little happy dance*
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