Reviews for The Winkle Encounter
Ghostwriter chapter 1 . 10/30/2018
*Snickers* Cute.
Iagan chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
Well done. Would love to see Amy defend Penny
AnitaRez chapter 1 . 5/25/2014
I love that Amy nailed Leslie.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
"it's not zach"

Oh my god! I'm reading this at 2 am and had to take drastic measures to make sure I didn't wake anyone up! So fucking funny I absolutely lost my shit XD
Musickat18 chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
Excellent! I've been running through the filters looking for different pairings and ran across this. The ending totally cracked me up. And yay for someone finally besting Leslie! :)
llpiaeh chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
This was amazing, I could see this conversation happening in my head while I was reading it.
MBB chapter 1 . 3/6/2012
A very good fanfic.

You found the right balance between the fight and Amy-Sheldon inteeraction.

And a well thought-trough argument too.

And I can believe Leslie's confusion, I don't think she's met someone defending Sheldon ever before.
desy1156 chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
Amy's rant: Wow!

Truly captured her personality!
Izzyaro chapter 1 . 1/20/2012
That was brilliant. You really captured Amy and Sheldon's relationship. I loved the Shelly bit at the end.
Helena Desjardins chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
This is so unbelievably adorable.
Azul Grandchester chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
Loved it! got here almost by accident but this was great, love how Amy defends our Shelly... I love the Shamy :)

Must go and look on your other stories, thanks!
M. Almeida chapter 1 . 8/25/2011
""Who?" Amy asked.

Sheldon looked confused. "It's not Zack.""

Just loved that part! hahahaha


I've always wanted to read something like that! Shamy against L. Winkle! So cool!

And the way Amy defended Sheldon was so Amy-like! haha I don't know If I made myself clear, what I meant to say was that I can totally see that happening on the show! Hope you understood. :) haha

Always a pleasure to read some Shamy, especially written by you, I'm a huge fan! ;)

PS: You may remind me from twitter! maah_almeida haha

Loved it, see you soon, I hope!

CountryGrl chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
Oh! Name in the summary box and everything. *glows*

This was almost too good to be true...not only was the Shamy at the beginning gorgeous, this being my personal favourite:

"My hair frizzes easily."

"That doesn't interest me."

Amy nodded. "Apology extended."

And then her rant at Leslie! I know that was the original prompt but still, you made it so perfectly believable...ahh I could hear her saying it all.

Its length was spot on, and I love how they just return to court procedure after the 'thank you'. At the same time I love that Sheldon *did* thank her, n'aww :) You make these two so deliciously delicious. VIVA LA SHAMY!

And thank you so much for doing this, such a treat :) However as you did this so well, if I ever give you another prompt I see it will have to be much more difficult ;)
deleted account 88 chapter 1 . 8/20/2011
Loved this! The Shamy taking down Leslie Winkle; simply awesome. Amy was especially great in this. Defending Sheldon, thinking she was having her first staring contest with Leslie. :D

And aww! She called him Shelly and it didn't work! I love it!
ermintrude421 chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
ROTFLMAO! That was spot on! I love your stuff-even if you do ship L/P. Seriously, that was wonderful, you have all the characters so well defined. Short-but very sweet!
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