Reviews for Monsters In The Graveyard
bri-notthecheese chapter 1 . 3/23/2015
Dang. My friend and I had randomly thought about this ship this weekend and I am so glad I found this. Definitely messed up, but really damn hot. And I also feel you have a good grasp of Light's character overall as well!
MasqueradingChaos chapter 1 . 2/6/2015
So messed up! And what worse I loved every second of reading it, Awesome! { it so in character aswell }
Kyuubi's Death chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
It's sick n twisted, just the way i like it
BakaFireKitsuneSama chapter 1 . 8/21/2011
So I didn't review on the last one to say it but I pretty much wanted to beat L's face in.

I as a general thing actually like L/Light but you have made me love Light/BB. I have yet to find another author who writes them as well as you do. You make them believable. Needless to say I absolutely loved this. It is amazing.
chan chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
LOL you really hate L don't you? XD Well, this was hilarious and OOC as usual. Also, not as dark as I was thinking from your an. But keep it up~!
DaJapican chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
Fuck that was extremely hot. That took the meaning of revenged to the new level. Forget pissing on your enemies grave, when you can totally fuck on it. Safe to say my inner sadist is satiated... for now. Now I know where to flock to when I need a good douse of hard core sex, violence, and blood. Adding the religious bit was of course the icing on the cake. There is only so much fluff I can take till I snap. Fanfiction really needs more sick fucks like you. Kudos on such a raunchy, disturbing story. Oh and this is defiantly being added to my favorites.
runes01 chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
Ah, you are a sick fuck... Like seriously fucking messed up in the head, insane for coming up with these ideas. But, haven't I already told you that a couple of times? I just love you for writing fics like this: Nothing like a good old B/Kira to get that taste of L/Light outta your mouth... So much more delicious and insane~

Poor Kira, got messed up by Lawli trying to claim him... But, of course B had to snap him back into action, claiming that he wasn't good enough anymore... And it makes sense that Kira would go and "punish" B for saying such a thing about him XD All for the sake of bringing to good old kira back.

Loved it~
Duistere chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
I am always amazed by how well you portray this pairing, the occassional insanity and downright blasphemous things like having sex on Lawliet's grave. Just awesome
XxMaskedPuppetxX chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
OMG REVENGE IS SWEET! I could imagine L's ghost trying to regain Light while watching the two. Wow nice therapy session ;) hope to see more of it!
SlytherinQueen020 chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
So your going to hell for writing this and I'm going to hell for reading it. Well at least when we get there we can say it was a hell of a ride.
darkbloodylegs chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
Totally sick.

Written so well.

I think I love you.
Wragziez chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
Ah, you know that everyone that reads your simmering hot stories is either already or turns into a sick fuck, so for that me and many others thank you! The dark side has YOUR FICS, what more could we want besides more of your fics? Well hot damn... you sure know how to make someone hot and bothered. Good thing of course.
goldenpaw chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
O_O amazing.
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
Wow. You made me really HATE L in this one. Nicely done. You seemed to catch their mutual insanity perfectly.