Reviews for Post Blight Management for Dummies
JuliaHB322 chapter 34 . 9/13
Hey there, don't know if you'll see this, but I just finished both Lucy stories! I found the changes you made to be really interesting and I enjoyed them. But my questions are... what happened to Morrigan's daughter? She left her at the compound when she took Danny... so I assume that Lucy, Zev, and Anders raised her? And is Urthremiel truly gone? Were my questions ever covered in another one-shot?

Also wondering if you might ever post your fics on AO3? The DA fandom is huge over there and your story should get even more exposure! ;-) I have already recommended it to a few friends. (I am JCHB322 over there XD).
Paul Lenzen chapter 34 . 1/15/2019
No one ever expects the ferelden Inquisition!... I just read both of these stories and I have to say I loved them.. allot.. like allot allot.. I really loved the last line so much
VioletIris-AK chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
Oops, I posted my first review on accident while I attempted to fix a typo on my phone. Anyways, to pick up where I left off while there was the ocassional typo or plot hole it didn't take away from the story and considering you were just pantsing it all the way through it's an impressive work that I could see you sending to a professional editor to consider. But I digress (a lot). I just want you to know that I really appreciated this whole fic and you compelled me to actually sign into my account to leave a review just in case you wanted to respond to my first question about Lucine and second question which is where can I locate your original fiction? I'd love to read it sometime. Seriously. Please tell me you're writing novels. In any case, I'll have to go read We Know since I'm a Skyrim fan and will need some other quality writing to occupy me. Thank you for writing these stories and sharing them with us.
VioletIris-AK chapter 34 . 3/14/2017
Zute, I am blown away. I consumed the first story and this sequel in only a couple of days, and it wouldn't have taken me that long if I didn't have to do annoying things like go to work and sleep (though I did sacrifice sleep as much as I could get away with). This fic had me on the edge of my seat. It had me laughing and sometimes shrieking and others I'd just have to set my phone down to compose myself. I loved so many different aspects of this fic it will be impossible to list them all but here are just a few that popped into my brain as I type out this rambling review (seriously would have left a review on every single chapter but I was too eager to keep reading):
I love Lucy. There it's punny but I said it and I do mean it. She is such a wonderfully delightful character. Hilarious, blunt, strong, compassionate, loving. She has her faults as every well written character does. Her one liners always made me smile. It's no surprise half on Ferelden fell in love with her.
The story. Oh my word. So good. Fresh, engaging, exciting, clever, well thought out. I felt like I was reading an epic fantasy novel. It's so clear that this was a work of passion AND dedication. You wrote this for years and yet you stuck with it and saw it through and didn't disappoint your readers. I really admire that. I actually only played Origins for the first time last summer and only finished DAI last week (of course played DA2). I didn't allow myself to read any fanfiction while I was playing because I didn't want to be spoiled by anything in the games. After I finished DAO, I just kept thinking about it, the memorable characters and the ride the game took me on. I wanted to keep living in that world and see what cool things the fandom had hatched. This was one of the first fics I saw recommended and once I read the synopsis I was like oh my gosh must read. It reminded me of Outlander, the mangas Red River and Legend of Basara (have you read Legend of Basara. Would highly recommend). I was wondering what you were going to do with the plot device of modern woman going back to medieval times and you handled so well and it was refreshing to see the infusion of humor throughout the work. After this I am probably going to be disappointed in whatever I read next so I'll have to cool it on the DAO fics for a while.
Also can I just say the chracterizations of pretty much all the characters was amazing? I didn't think it was possible for anyone to make me love Zevran anymore but well guess this shows me. Also, you renewed my like for Anders and I squealed over him greatly in this fic with a lot of awwwww thrown in. And you even made me see a different side of characters like Loghain.
Also, I had no idea where the story was going ultimately but when polyandry came in I was like hell yeah sign me up xD. I don't see it enough in fandoms or written so well with the characters having such great chemistry. There's been a couple times I've seen love triangles pop up in series and sometimes my response on who the heroine should choose is both - I ship the three together.
Ok now as I'm writing this I realize I do have one question - what happens to little Lucine? I saw no mention of her in the epilogue and the last thing we saw of her was when Zevran burst into her room looking for Danny. I'm sure she was adopted by someone and well loved but I would like to know.
Anyways, back to my swooning, I'd like to mention that just craft-wise your prose is tight. More then once I'd just smile while reading simply for how well writteb the whole piece is. Sure, it's not perfect and
tgcgoddess chapter 34 . 7/10/2016
Hi, it's me! Been a long time, I know, but whilst I was waiting for your updates, I got kidnaped by the Harry Potter fanfiction section. I have just recently escaped and went back to reread some old favorites.

And it's over.

Well, the part you're going to write of it is, anyway. We can happily imagine their story continuing off into the sunset. As happy as Inquisition gets, at least. I haven't played it yet; I went back to school, got a couple of degrees and started working for the first time in over 10 years, so free time and I have only a passing aquaintance these days.

I liked that they all ended up together. I wanted to smack Zev around a bit for thinking he'd just bow out without letting her know. Making that decision for her. But it turned out alright in the end.

And Fergus... Someone should have just offed him after the first time we met him back in SCiKCC. I was getting legit worried that the gang wouldn't make it to Lucy in the Gallows in time... *shudders

And whatever happened to Lucine? The last we see of her, she's asleep in Mori's bed and then... nothing. She didn't come with them to Haven, so where did she end up? Enquiring minds want to know!

Having reread the whole thing over the course of the last few days, I do have to say that I feel like the last bits were rushed, but it was still a most satisfying ending.

Congrats on finishing an epic story that will live on in my heart and mind forever!
Janice chapter 34 . 2/8/2016
I honestly don't know what to say. This was amazing- Never thought I would be hopping around in the kitchen wanting to finish cooking just to get back in read more. I've even squeaked! Makers breath (Don't ask- It feels right), I never thought I would. I was hoping for more, sadly I was mistaken. If you ever seem to write a one shot of how Lucy would react to knowing what Zevran did I would be delighted to read it.
tgail73 chapter 34 . 10/17/2015
This story was well written and very awesome! I'm a bit sad it's over though. I'll miss Lucy.

Thank you for sharing Lucy's story with us.
NajaMoonshadow chapter 34 . 7/17/2015
Hello! I know this story is long over, but I was so impressed with it I am writing a review anyway! First: Lucy. Super awesome character. She's real, honest and simple in the sense that she doesn't suffer from even an inch of the 'Mary-Sue Syndrome' that plagues so many characters on this site. Also, she's a strong woman without suffering the 'so unfeminine she's technically male'-she laughs, cries and kills in equal measure and it's great. HUGE KUDOS! I was ridiculously happy with her poly-relationships. It's rare to see them written about at all, let alone in such positive light. I was impressed with how cohesive you managed to make the storyline across such a large span. You included new elements-such as shape-changing and Lucy's unique magics-without make it awkward or clunky, or having to compromise the basic element of both the story and the characters. My only complaint-and it's not a big one-is that you made Zevran such a pivotal person in her life and he's in the first story very little, comparatively, even to characters that had almost no role in the story. It was a little awkward having him be so instrumental in her life and yet have almost no time with her, at least in writing. See? Just a small complaint :D Anyway, great story-really great story. It had the feel of an epic :D I hope you're writing your own stuff to be published, you're pretty great! Thank you! :)
Gaspode chapter 34 . 6/26/2015
Well, as it happened, I have read this story too. Chomped my way through it actually.

Yes, whilst it's a darker story with a more serious and troubled Lucy, there is plenty of craziness there to keep me grinning. I also feel the pacing here is more even.

Again what endeared me to the story the most is that Lucy is such a flawed characters. Despite it all she's kind of 'normal', although I realise this sounds a bit odd. She makes mistakes and she needs others to help her out. In many ways she's an anti heroine.

I'm so glad Anders and Zevran found each other in the end. Despite the convenience of the solution it still felt quite natural. It certainly wouldn't have worked as well with, let's say, Nathaniel or, indeed, Loghain. I missed Riordan though. Imagine if he was the Orlesian Warden in Awakening...

Lovely twist at the end. He he. When I first heard the name of the new Dragon Age game all I could think of was 'the comfy chair!' One day I will play it, the game of course, not the chair.

Thank you once more for sharing and the best of luck with your original fiction.
Michel chapter 34 . 6/23/2015
I admit it, I laughed.
Michel chapter 32 . 6/23/2015
Yippie! Change! Now we cut off the nobles' heads, right? Okay, maybe we can keep Alistair. He didn't want to be King after all.

(In all seriousness, I was very positively surprised at Lucy's speech. Oh and cool to see Morrigan back, of course.)
Michel chapter 31 . 6/23/2015
Ah, hating yourself for having to write things you don't believe in. Sounds like me every time I have to write an argumentative essay on social issues for an overly-conservative teacher. I think I die a little inside each time that happens. I'd have thought Lucy would fight it though and use the speech to jumpstart the mage revolution but... I guess that's for another story. Although I did remember something: You *don't* need industrialization to bring democracy to this country since it already has mages. I'm pretty sure they could give the needed increase in agricultural output, at least.

Ugh, sorry, I'm straying off topic. I felt bad for Fergus. Yes, even after everything. The man obviously wasn't in his right mind. But... I can't blame them for what they did.
Michel chapter 13 . 6/15/2015
It's too bad Lucy had to be friends with so many noblemen. I tell you, a good old French-style revolution is what Ferelden needs!

...Well, perhaps not really, I don't think it'd work on uninsustrialized countries. Still, one could try! What is there to lose? (Sadly, here, "Alistair's head" would be the answer :( )
Michel chapter 10 . 6/14/2015
I don't usually review but here I just had to. What an AWESOME chapter. Seriously. The best I've read in either this story or the previous one and that's saying something!

I have to say, I wasn't expecting the plot twist. Everything after that part had that awesome epicness feeling of a blockbuster movie.

Although I do have a minor complaint - spoiler ahead - about how wolf's death happened "off screen". I wanted to see him suffer :(

Anyway I just wanted to say it's 3:17AM, I wanted to sleep after this chapter but now I just can't.

Must. Read. More.

I dunno what I'll do with my life once I've finished this :/
LadyTeldra chapter 13 . 6/1/2015
I feel much better after sleeping. More coherent as well. Amazing what four hours and some food can do.
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