Reviews for Bittersweet Journey
kaylee chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
you know. i kinda wish i was in the story so i could answer the question why roxas and ventus looks alike.
the reason why they do look alike is because ventus was inside sora's heart. then after that, since roxas is sora's nobody, nobodies takes the forms of the heart so that's why roxas looks like ven.
Bezerker21 chapter 24 . 2/3/2013
I have a few things to say. Great book, please write more if such books, AND YOU ARE A SICK MONSTER! Ryukei was awesome, and u forced him to die! I know ur a fangirl but still! And no I'm not a fangirl.
Justice Tokidoki chapter 24 . 12/31/2012
Oh wow, this was beautiful! I almost don't know what to say, everything about it was just..just perfect.

The descriptions were wonderful, the way the island looked during the sunsets, Kairi's worried expression, all so wonderfully portrayed.

And then...Ryusei makes his final farewell adress to Sora! Wow, I loved that part! It was incredible and touching and sad, but it was really fitting and a perfect way to end this story.

The grammar was perfect, I couldn't find any mistakes.

Really epic epilogue, thank you for adding it! XD and I look forward to the next chapter of That Side of You.

Have a happy new year!
manilap chapter 23 . 12/15/2012
Saddest. Ending. Ever. It was surprisingly filling, yet I wish there was more... Anyways, this was a great story! I loved every chapter of it! Especially the tear-filled ending! :') I can't wait to read your next fanfic!
Justice Tokidoki chapter 23 . 12/15/2012
Wow, that was very emotional! A lot of internal conflict and moving speeches again from Sora. Awesome moment right there.

Ryusei's situation was tragic yet...expected. It was heartbreaking to see him lose control and fight Roxas and Riku.

What I really liked the most about this chapter was the descriptions. You did a really good job of showing how each character was feeling, and their emotions rang through so true and clear, I really felt for Sora and Ryusei in this chapter.

Vanitas' delve into insanity was also worthy of praise, though it was sort of unexpected because I'm not sure myself what could have possibly triggered it. Then again, it's not like he's the most stable guy around either.

My favorite part was definitely the ending when Ryusei makes his final request, a real tear jerker. That's a scene I bet you'd like to see illustrated, no?

As for the story as a whole I think you did a pretty good job of keeping the characters consistent and brought up some pretty nice lengthy topics concerning self-worth, identity, and...simply existing that we can reflect on in this.

What makes this chapter most tragic is not the fact of losing one you care about, though it's a huge part of it. What I find the most troubling is the fact that by the end...Ryusei proclaims that he wasn't meant to exist and it was just...right for him to leave in the end. Like fate. This line of thinking could possibly imply that Ryusei, despite Sora's efforts, didn't think he was worthy of life. But then again, at that moment in time he's remembering all the things he's done and the grief he's caused. So that might factor against it.

So even with the cool fights and epic show down, I think this story really stands strong with it's characters, and it is my favorite part of reading the fic.

as a friend once told me, based on what of my fics, you got used to your characters first, then you formed a more solid plot down the road. As for the whole clone/take over the world plot, it seemed a little redundant considering vanitas dumps the entire project at the end (or is this raw spout of irrational behavior the effect of insanity. Hmmm).

I think you also learned more about which pov suits you best throughout this story. I think you're awesome at doing first person. Sometimes I find it challenging because I switch tenses on accident, so I really admire that in this story.

It was a very smooth read and every interaction was well done, not to mention the pacing. All great.

As for what can make this ending better, I think it may be nice to have a little time skip with the friends together somewhere else as Sora reflects on his time with Ryusei. An epilogue would work pretty well for this.

Speaking of which, since Ryusei originally came from could be posdible to bring him back, given that he's a cyborg.

Hah...well, whether that happens or not, I really liked how you ended it with Sora sensing Ryusei within his heart, I thought that was a pivotal moment. I hope Sora can accept this with time.

Thanks for publishing such a good story and sticking with it to the end! From reading your other work I think you're really good at angst/family projects, especially when they involve brothers. Well done, and I can't wait to read more from you.

Justice abounds.
Justice Tokidoki chapter 22 . 12/8/2012
Great chapter, I'm glad Ryusei is getting his memory back, but this might not be the best of times...

Also, I'm liking him more as a character so the fact that the ending won't be good for him...well, I'm not completely sure how to take that...

Hah, well this story has reached some pretty high heights. Yep, I'm clicking the favorite button

Great job and I can't wait to see this epic masterpiece's conclusion, and I'm also looking forward to new stories from you too...
Justice Tokidoki chapter 21 . 12/8/2012
I am getting more and more excited with each passing minute, seriously

This story has truly gotten better with each chapter, and I'm really liking Ryusei as a character, and his relationship with Sora. Man, brother stuff always gets to me...

Great chapter, and I think you did pretty good with present tense form, I have a hard time with that one myself. It's like we're all conditioned to write in the past tense...

One more chapter and I'll be caught up! XD far I don't hate you.
Justice Tokidoki chapter 20 . 12/8/2012
Another great chapter! Awesome!

Ryusei's amnesia was a little hard to take in, but I'm really happy that Sora and him were able to reconnect when he woke up.

Really good chapter, though I have a semi-worried feeling, like this is the calm before the storm...
Justice Tokidoki chapter 19 . 12/8/2012
Wow...very emotional chapter...

A lot of angst in this one too, I really liked it, perfectly sets the same bar as the last chapter. Very well done.

Yes, you do abuse amnesia, but hey, chain of memories did too. It's a KH thing, typically a Sora thing usually :)

I'm really liking where this is going, seriously. Great chapter!
Justice Tokidoki chapter 18 . 12/8/2012
Excelent chapter, definitely my favorite chapter so far out of this entire story! XD

I loved the angst and character depth in this chapter, very well done. Ryusei's story was perfectly tragic and it was really touching seeing the effort he put into speaking with Roxas. I also really liked how Roxas was able to relate to Ryusei and ease his conscious for a moment, it was very well written.

I enjoyed your descriptions in this chapter immensely, truly brilliant.

Great job!
Justice Tokidoki chapter 17 . 12/8/2012
Ha ha, Sora gave a lot of epic speeches in this chapter, and they were very well written. Seriously, I almost got fired up from this chapter! Great way to show his awesomeness and kindness in one take! Very in-character responses...

I like that fact that his clone/Ryusei could possibly become an ally at this point. Very awesome indeed!

Things are definitely reaching a climax. Can't wait to see how this all builds up!
Justice Tokidoki chapter 16 . 12/8/2012
Wow, Demyx was very...informative in this. Surprising...

As for Roxas, he really had a derpy moment forgeting he could produce corridors.. Heh, I blame the random power of Demyx.

Really good chapter.
Justice Tokidoki chapter 15 . 10/21/2012
Good chapter, loved the confrontation/conversation between Sora and his Clone...
Justice Tokidoki chapter 14 . 10/21/2012
Heh, this isn't a bad chapter, I've seen stuff more cheesy than this...

I liked Sora's straightforward verbal assualt in getting his friends to talk. It had to be done, things just get worse and worse when you keep secrets from your friends...
Justice Tokidoki chapter 12 . 10/17/2012
The mind swap/soul arc was pretty interesting. Slightly convoluted, but hey, that's what Terra is for. XD

I have to say you're good with the normal format too, so that's awesome! Gramnar is also pretty good, only a few mistakes. I like how you've kept to everyone's different personalities, especially since you have so many characters. Really nice work.

Well, I would read more but it's late plus it's a school night, so I better hit the hay.

Expect to hear more from me soon! XD
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