Reviews for Plaything
ChrisDurin chapter 1 . 7/28/2016
Oh god this is disturbing...disturbing good! You caught Vaiseys spirit very well.
Now you got me! Really!
Saraleee chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
Oooh, very atmospheric and sinister! I think you've captured the creepiness of Vaisey perfectly. The relationship between Gisborne and the Sheriff certainly does lend itself to imagining some twisted stuff, and you've threaded in some provocative images. Well done!
Sybil Jane Capulet chapter 1 . 10/11/2011
You've given me shivers! Once again very creepy, but also strangely poetic. Another brilliant storey!
LadyKate1 chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
Ugh, obviously I meant "Since when has this dynamic BEEN about 'comfortable'." LOL. That's what I get for not re-reading what I typed before hitting "send."

Since I'm reviewing again, I'll add that I especially like this bit:

Yet, when my need is most critical, you nearly force me to kill him. He is lucky. Only on the threshold of oblivion does he recognize what he genuinely craves—truth, which I can give him, though it may not be as lovely as your lies. But he no longer desires your pretty words in his ear. He wants only power. Soon, he will have as much as he can bear, though not a lick more. One should never overfeed a favorite hound, or risk loss of loyalty.
LadyKate1 chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
Wow, so creepy and intense. Definitely suggests more physical intimacy between Guy and Vaisey than I'm comfortable imagining, but since when has this dynamic between about "comfortable"? ;-)
manxcatmom chapter 1 . 8/9/2011
Ohh, the Sheriff in all his evilness! This is so good!

It hints at the twisted relationship between Guy and the Sheriff, and more than a hint of Vaisey's contempt for Marian. As shrewd, insightful and manipulative in your story as we would expect him to be-a clever glimpse into Vaisey's cunning and wicked mind!