Reviews for Wanna Bet?
LittleSelene chapter 2 . 1/23/2013
This deserve so much reviews! I't amazing, full of emotion and love and so so sexy...
I love Ten x Rose x Tentoo, it's the most sexy and narcissistic thing in the world, and deffinitly my kind of fanfic!
Keep writing!
NixieShimo chapter 2 . 10/17/2012
I was absolutely caught up in this (though I wondered briefly at why it's in chapters. That's really something of a moot point.) RIGHT ... absolutely, completely, totally caught up in the emotion of this, in the overall wonderfulness of this story ... and then I got to " some super-duper 51st century lube" and about died laughing. Great use of humor in an otherwise breathtakingly beautiful story. Also, this just a-damn-bout made me cry. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful story. XD
Guest chapter 2 . 8/14/2012
I want to see Tentoo and Rose as Tens slaves;))))) this was great!
Francis Bonnifoy chapter 1 . 2/18/2012
Abuse he can handle but tenderness? this sounds like Man of La in one song Dulcinea says abuse and good clothes she can take and give back again but tenderness she can not bear
trashyfiction chapter 2 . 1/17/2012
amazing story is amazing!
Dreamcatcher56 chapter 2 . 8/12/2011
one this is one of those that you laugh and you cry and than lose any coherent thoughts...thanks for sharing both the physical and emotional side of these three.