Reviews for The Reluctant Lord
Guest chapter 15 . 7/9
Well, as it seems the privious chapter end it was the only stupidity not so stupid. The rest well it is just crap.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/6
It doesn't matter if it is what ever people think about the story. As it is dead as all your others story this is just crap.
wujuninja chapter 15 . 6/22
wujuninja chapter 11 . 6/22
that's sick man
wujuninja chapter 10 . 6/22
assembly from Java lol nice one
wujuninja chapter 9 . 6/22
where is the smut?
wujuninja chapter 2 . 6/22
wow this is good
pavook chapter 5 . 5/7
This story is a kind of a blend between great and confusing.
Plenty of custom action going around and almost none of it is explained how it came to be from original book events. I've struggled with it from the first chapter. Interesting, entertaining, but hard to connect to.

Blaize being woman is addressed lazily at first. How they faked through original events is only glimpsed. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but there is not much room left on getting to know these new characters or care much for them other than well-known names. There is little to almost no shared history between them apart of what is known in original. Original behavior and events that should have been calculated, planned and faked. Some mentioned past events are rare and when such an explanation appears, it breaks the flow of new development.

Maybe it's the style of this work that doesn't fit me very well, with reliance on flashbacks and not evolving from the start.
Objudge1399 chapter 6 . 2/19
How did this ever start out as a smut fic?
Guest chapter 4 . 1/17
The bigest bien of shit is what the stupidity is. First marina inheritance and ola family on hundreth and thowsand is extremely moronic, it show really lack of knowledge and bigger ignorance for not reasearch a little. The weasley family even as been Poor their money can be measure in hundreds. The rest, the dumbass crap, The molly stupidity more crap, and the least but not les crap the contra tus stupidity, just Hermione hmm more crap. At the end just crap.
PGHammer chapter 6 . 12/15/2019
This fanfic's OWL score for Harry - yeeks! The ones in Defense are solid (Canon!Harry did get Global Honors in Defense), but the others? (How the heck did Harry manage OWLs and above in Runes *and* Arithmancy without taking either? Was Harry sandbagging in other core courses (specifically, Charms and Transfiguration)? As I said in a previous chapter - the Potions OWL alone will make a certain professor ill; successful alchemy at his age; cardiac failure! That is a global record.)
PGHammer chapter 5 . 12/15/2019
The self-trained alchemist threw me; I was NOT expecting the author to go *there*! (Put it this way - the only known living alchemist and the current youngest Potions Master in the UK would both suffer immediate - if not terminal - cardiac failure were he to *go public* - and I'm not saying who; the last clue is in this chapter.)
edenson65 chapter 15 . 12/5/2019
Your story was/is very good. Should continue and see where it goes... But there are a lot of characters to keep track of. Excellent plot an great writing...
iStyx chapter 6 . 5/17/2019
Sweet Merlin, please, not this lesbian shit again! That's disgusting!
arctusarva chapter 5 . 3/27/2019
Seriously I don't get why everyone makes the girls bi(whether at the start or through some bullshit magic). By that logic, Harry should be bi too since clearly ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE! EQUALITY YEAH! ffs.
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