Reviews for A Random Run Sequel to Blown
Truckee Gal chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
The name Quisling rang a bell, prompting me to search engine it. Quisling was a Norwegian traitor, who helped the Nazis against his own countrymen during WWII. While an apt name, I was curious that your Quisling character spoke in the plural, yet was only one person when the dust settled. Some mutation of a multiple personality disorder? Or is there an outsider yet to be caught? Anyway, this was a splendid sequel to Blown with a complex, engaging storyline. Lots of suspense and humor, just like a S&MK episode.

Two awesome, long-overdue comeuppances that made me deliriously happy:
(1) The undermining Dr. Smyth being summoned to the White House gleefully brought to mind a misbehaving, temperamental school kid sent to the Principal's Office. The Prez won't allow anyone to mess with the nation's top team!
(2) Amanda's blistering response to Joe King's tirade; treating her like a frumpy housewife, who hasn't a brain cell in her head, so she has to obey him. Oh boy, she sent his sorry self packing, tail between his legs, straight to the Principal's Office for him, too!
tanker208 chapter 1 . 2/9/2018
My face hurts from smiling! I love Amanda's smack down on Joe.
darnchts chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
A great adventure while keeping the characters true to themselves. Thanks for sharing it.
Glimare chapter 1 . 7/26/2016
Very enjoyable. Still wish it was broken into smaller parts but you wrote this years ago so it's understandable and a learning process. Fun read anyway.
JennyBeeAMDG1 chapter 1 . 3/16/2015
OMGosh! Another amazing literary triumph!
Amber611 chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
Another Amazing fic, and job! I absolutely LOVED it! :)
resourceful chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Your writing style is so vivid, the scenes jumped right off the page - Auggie's run in with Lee, the chaos in Billy's office when the President called Dr. Smyth, Amanda and Lee facing down Brenda in their home, Lee's delicate surgery in Dr. McJohn's office, and many more. You have a gift. Thanks for sharing it.
Jennifer Cannon chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
Very good story and much enjoyed. Thank you :)
kittn chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
Very nice... and do I smell a sequel? *begging face* Once again, you have obliterated my bedtime. Thank you! :)
Debbie5 chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
Great story filled with great moments: "Don't even bother trying" Amanda to Lee when he wants her to stay in the car. Amanda and Francine's friendship. The President nailing Smyth in Billy's office. Amanda telling Joe off. Keep up the great writing!
PattiJ chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
The story was superb but I have to agree about the misuse of the pronoun.
mmorrisa chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
Am I wrong to assume that there is going to be another sequel? I enjoyed the story very much! Please consider using chapters so that we don't have to scroll so much.
ClarksGirl chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
This fic was brilliant! I didn't realise it was sequel, so am now off to read Blown.

I really hope you continue on with this series.
AnnieCloud chapter 1 . 8/6/2011
I had the same "problem" as kehwie with your use of the pronoun "they" for "Quisling". English insn't my mother tongue, so first I was thinking that this is maybe grammatically correct. But throughout the story it confused me and disturbed the flow of my reading of your otherwise great story. There should be a better solution to keep us readers guessing about the identity of "Quisling".(But I know it's not easy to achieve and it was worth a try!)

Again I enjoyed your plot and the description of the different characters very much. I had to smile at their quirks and felt like watching an episode. Particularly I liked the dressing down Joe King got from Amanda and it's always a great pleasure when Dr. Smythe gets what he deserves.

I'm looking forward to your next story! Thank you for this long story!
kehwie chapter 1 . 8/6/2011
I enjoyed your story. My only quibble is using the pronoun "they" in reference to "Quisling". Since you were using a plural pronoun, I thought at first that Quisling would end up being mentally ill (either a dual personality or "voices in the head"). Since that didn't end up coming into play, I realized that you were just trying to avoid revealing gender. I appreciate that, but I think there could have been a more grammatically correct way to go about that. Otherwise though, nice job. I especially loved the scene with Dr. Smyth in Billy's office-always a pleasure to see man put in his place! :)