Reviews for Help Me, Save Me
Mee chapter 30 . 7/8/2015
I say James because there are 18 chapters left
Guest chapter 48 . 3/13/2014
Hey. I just read (finished, actually) this story. and you are such a phenomenal writer and I'm considering making ANOTHER fanfiction account. I don't know though.
You'd probably remember me, maybe not. I don't really remember my old username I think it was like kendalllove or something like that.
anyways, you made a big impact on my writing and i just wanted to share. :)
trypophobica chapter 27 . 6/24/2013
Guest chapter 11 . 6/12/2013
I love ur story
I also love that u dont say I hate. This chapter or I hate that u r really positive and that is a wonderful. Quality in a person
PhoenixRoseQueenToo chapter 3 . 12/29/2012
This chapter was okay... it was a bit confusing and I didn't fully understand what's going on, but I'm hoping things will clarify soon enough _
Shannon chapter 48 . 7/22/2012
I have read a lot of of stories on here and thought 'wow! That was a great story!' but this, this was by far the best story I have read! I was hooked from the beginning, every chance I had, I was reading it and I would find myself thinking about it when I wasnt reading! I had so many emotions reading this! I don't think that a story has ever brought tears to my eyes and at times actually made me cry like this one did! You did a fantastic job! Loved it!
BookWorkKendall chapter 2 . 6/27/2012
This sounds like a interesting story,
Nicole chapter 36 . 1/24/2012
...way to make me cry...gosh I said I would not cry and I did..! but so good so far!
Nicole chapter 28 . 1/24/2012
Hey, I love the story its amazing! I just wanted to point out the fist sentence in this chapter is says how is James dong...not doing thought that was kinda funny!
becauseimstupid chapter 48 . 1/4/2012
OMG. THE STORY IS ACTUALLY FINISHED. And I have to say that this story is so inspiring. This just made me realized how much cancer can affect your life. Ughh I hate cancer! You are an amazing author! You are such a good writer. This story made me want to cry. It was just too amazing. I haven't been reading this story for a while because I was busy. Now that I found out that the story was finished I started reading it. I was so impatient reading this because I wanted to know if James beated cancer. I sorta already knew that he was going to beat it, but I am so glad! Again, this story is awesome. Good job on this story. What a beautiful story.
Twisted Illusions chapter 48 . 1/4/2012
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE I MISSED COMMENTING THIS CHAPTER? *smacks head into wall* I am so sorry! D:

Dude, this was the best ending ever. So sweet, so amazing...UGH JUST PERFECT

Them giving him his lucky comb back made my eyes was like, showing that James Diamond was back. He was healing and he'd be back to himself in no time...I LOVED IT!

I am so sad that it's over, but I'm happy he healed! SO GOOD!

Here's where I normall say update soon, it's awkward to not have to D': But...write another awesome fic soon and tell me when you do! :D

Love ya girl, you rock, this story was epic in every way...keep up the amazing job!
XxDebbyxX chapter 48 . 1/3/2012
This story made me remember about my cousin he also had brain cancer and last year my mom told me that he didn't have cancer anymore,he was a cancer survivor,this story is like my favorite story ever and message n reason you made this story is even better :)
CountryPeach05 chapter 48 . 12/25/2011
I'm so glad to have read this amazing story! I've LOVED LOVED LOVED it from beginning to end! its been such a wonderful companion from...August? to now. Wow. Thanks for writing this, and giving me something to look forward to through the dreary fall and winter! :D

Mr. Bitters made a special exception to his 'no parties' rule. (Awe! That is sweet. Bitters isn't all bad, you know it!)

They never wasted a day anymore, they never went to bed angry, and they always made sure to tell those that they love how much they mean to also learned how regrets can weight you down until you can barely move. He learned that life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So he loved the ones who treated him right, forgave those who didn't, and he never gave up the belief that everything happens for a reason. If he got a chance, he took it. If it changed his life, he let it. Nobody said it would be easy, James remembered, but they did promise that it would be worth it. James didn't need to take the easy road; he just needed to take a road. (You have so many wise words, girl. Sometimes it's like you're writing my life lol.)

Oh! They kept his lucky comb! :') They fixed it! Ohhh! They saved him...This is just too perfect! I love this!

James was strong because he had been weak. He was secure because he knew his flaws. He could love because he could fight. He was fearless because he had been afraid. He was wise because he once foolish. And James could be happy because he had been sad. (Oh. My. Gosh. Just...where do you come up with this stuff? Where?)


This was amazing, from start to finish. I seriously love this story. It's so hopeful! We've felt every emotion from joy to sadness, tradgedy to hope-it has been an absolute journey just to read it!

I admire you so much for writing this story. A lot of times people don't realize how cancer affects those besides the patient. I hate cancer. My brother has survived an early birth, car accident, traumatic brain injury, and cancer twice and we are so blessed!

Have a wonderful trip! Merry Christmas, happy holidays! and I CANNOT wait for your next James angst! :D

Write on!
LoudMidget101 chapter 48 . 12/24/2011
took me half the day to read it but i finally finished this story. and i liked it! awesome job. and merry christmas!
FreakierThanFreaks chapter 48 . 12/24/2011
Why do you keep making me cry! Oh my gosh, Jessy, I love this story so dar much! It is amazing in every which way and seriously one of the best I've ever read! Amazing job, my friend! I love you! :)
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