Reviews for That Simple Moment
April-Showers82 chapter 3 . 6/19
This is just right for them. True love and a bit of kink.
BorealisSpiral chapter 2 . 12/5/2019
Meh, too lazy to login.
Oh, this one was pretty sweet. I’m surprised because it’s the first time I read something from you that’s not packed of action and fights, and rather is more of a day-to-day romance, but being that I’m a hopeless romantic, it’s no wonder I liked it so much.

I think you nailed very well what makes Gochi the couple that fans, like us, loved. They might not display a lot of affection while being with other or might not seem to be the most connected couple, but are those little details the ones that show how much they care and love each other. I loved that you explained how they have a vast knowledge of their likes and dislikes, it doesn’t matter if it is something as simple as having the hair brushed, a dance night. Really sweet fic.
SonGoChiOx chapter 3 . 11/27/2018
that's how i imagine them, sweet and passionate
karone5 chapter 3 . 8/4/2017
You should changed the title instead of 'that simple moment' to 'that blissful moment'. WOW...the story was very romantic! I love the way you describe goku's and chi-chi's minds and feelings. You must understand in depth of the character very well in order to do that. You depict their feelings about themselves and around them and all connected very well as a whole. You must planned it well. You know exactly what you want and put it down. You got your points crossed. And you made both dragon ball fan readers or non-dragon ball reader easy to understand your story. This is what made you the most supreme dragon ball writer of all time out there. Not only that you shows any battle scenes great details too. I can see the actions so alive when reading it. You are my most favorite author.

Back to the story, rarely do get jealous of any girl over a guy, but DAMN!...I do feel jealous of chi-chi over goku in this story. Period! The reason is YOU made me! I'm so envy of chi-chi. She is the luckiest woman in the world. Having a husband like that. Who wouldn't dream to have a husband as sexy, as handsome, and as loyal? Goku! You made him extra good in here.

Goku flew across the sky as he made love to his wife. That a one meaningful night to remember. And he powers to super saiyan 3. I saw a few pics somewhere about this years ago on internet, but I didn't think about it much. Now I recalled to it, it was quite very sexy...ahem...erotic.

Overall this story is another one that I loved. I don't know that you get tired of seeing 'thank you very much' from over of many your reviews, but let me try something different this time...Merci beaucoup (meaning thanky you very much in FRENCH).

By the way...have you read the story called "The Replacement" (id s/2650428 ) by Kinoha. The story is good. I just finished reading it. I like the idea of chi-chi being kitchen maid temporarily replaces the noble lady Piela.

All well goes to you! Until next time!
Son-AbyGC chapter 3 . 8/11/2016
I loved!
is the best I have read really love the 3! the best! I wish you can write another equally great
Saiyajin Princess Chichi chapter 3 . 6/14/2016
Somehow this story of yours had slipped under my radar until today. I absolutely adored all of it. I like that you focus on their relationship and what it means to each of them. It's something that gets so overlooked (although DBS definitely calls more attention to it). And too many people hate on it. You address all of the things like people feeling he was forced to marry her, and everyone who says that he doesn't love her.

Wonderful job,

And I look forward to another update _
mai2 chapter 1 . 5/22/2016
uhoh it's amazing, as if everything in slow motion, the every sexy thing, the slow burnnn *winkwink*
isha chapter 3 . 5/22/2016
I loved it and Thanks a lot for taking the time to finish this story!I didn't thought that you would update some of your other amazing stories!
Jin chapter 3 . 5/22/2016
I love your story. Thank you for putting so much
time and effort into making this story amazing.
BarbieGirl82 chapter 3 . 5/22/2016
very good! I loved it. I've never ready a lemon scene where they practically have sex in the night sky. Interesting. And I've never scene chichi go super sayian either. that was very different. Goku obviously shared his power with her. Can you imagine two super sayians have sex together? It's been a while but I'm glad that this story is complete. To be honest I forgot about it. it's been years since I last read it. I'm happy to have read yet another beautiful goku/chichi story from you.
isha chapter 2 . 5/22/2016
I love how they don't care about what anyone thinks and chichi taught those two women a very good lesson lol.
isha chapter 1 . 5/22/2016
Since you have updated a chapter I thought to reread it again just to remember how it was like becuz I have read it a few years ago.I didn't knew that brushing one's hair could be this enjoyable:):)
tevinssj7 chapter 3 . 5/22/2016
Great chapter XD
isha chapter 2 . 7/3/2014
Plzzz don't call chichi old ever again
sharkie chapter 2 . 11/6/2013
U have got to finish that I really enjoyed it
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