Reviews for A Rush of Dog Days
weekendrusher chapter 86 . 6/1/2016
I've read this story over again and it always makes me feel like I'm watching the show and I miss every bit of it - both the show and this story.
Danielle Domain chapter 86 . 1/13/2015
Please update and since I'm new at the writing on fanfiction as an author can u help me of making stories
niki1kendra chapter 1 . 12/19/2014
Logan and Katrina are too cute together, their relationship is Fun, silly and Serious and Katrina bring out Logan Funny side and balance each other out.
Emily can we make her good so like a Love triangle between Camille/Even/Emily
Can't wait to find out about Kendell Father.
James I hope him to find love
Oh can Jo leave now.
Witch Demigoddess chapter 86 . 11/4/2014
Oh wow i'm so sorry for not reading this until today, I've had little to no time for myself whatsoever. But I'm back!

And boy am I glad i'm back! Dude! This chapter was intense! Honestly, the whole dolls thing scared me... and I hope Natalie's right about their siblings. It would be nice for them to have their family back. Hopefully Kat and Evan stop fighting... (btw I love that song!)

And I'm thinking Cedric is the one the Zizi want... It's just a hunch but I could be wrong.

Love the chapter, and I can't wait for more! I hope you're doing okay!
-Witch Demigoddess
Leah Garcia chapter 86 . 9/19/2014
I'm so excited that you updated on the story because I been looking for another update. I'm happy to hear that your illness is less severe and that you gotten a job
Dreamer1992 chapter 86 . 8/25/2014
Great chapter cant wait to see what happens next. I started laughing when Mama Knight flipped out but we all know she loves Kat and Evan like her own children. Also I like seeing Evan being alot nicer to Logan now
Jenificent3007 chapter 86 . 8/24/2014
I love how I could never predict what will happen in this story. The drama is always so fun to read. I love how questions get answered but only to a certain extent which leaves me wanting to know more. Also I hope that Evan and Katrina make up eventually but I like that they wanna kill each other right now, it's amusing.
Lucy Case chapter 85 . 7/15/2014
Please update and I wonder if we'll see Emily again soon talking with kendall that's a part of the Zizi something so please don't take to long to update again please update quick because I'm dying to know what's going to happen next
niki1kendra chapter 85 . 7/9/2014
whooooo Wolff pack is over and loatina and Jamina moments
Witch Demigoddess chapter 85 . 6/10/2014
Hmm, yes, hot and American is good too, American Boys by Halestorm comes to mind...

Aww, Kat has a thing for nerds, that's so adorable! Speaking of Kat, something tells me the Zizi did something to her, back in her come stage, something perhaps invloving hypnotism?

Great chapter, as always :) Oh, btw, everytime you put a song in a chapter I tend to listen to it if I haven't already, and one time my sister came in the room while I was listening to it and asked me who they were, and I instantly replied with Wolff Pack. No lie, I just said Wolff Pack, and then I slowly realized that Wolff Pack is not a real band and they in fact don't have any songs.
Leah Garcia chapter 85 . 6/9/2014
Please update soon looking forward for the next chapter and I wonder what's going to happen next
Dreamer1992 chapter 85 . 6/7/2014
Cant wait to see what happenes next. Hopfully in the next chapter Logan can take Kat out on a date while the others try to figure out why the ZiZi hasnt done anything yet
Leah Garcia chapter 84 . 5/27/2014
I hope you will feel better and get better with the sickness and please don't wait for a few months to post something again.
Witch Demigoddess chapter 84 . 5/26/2014
So Cedric is not British... but, I don't know... It's suspicious that he's faking the accent but I'm not sure he has something to do with the Zizi... I'll just wait to find out, I guess.

When the guys where complaining about Cedric to Katrina, all I could think about for some reason was "I like my men like I like my tea, hot and British." lol I don't know, I'm just weird like that.

Poor Nat, I hope she doesn't get heartbroken for whatever Cedric is up to. And if she does, she could just run to Carlos' open arms, I'm sure he would be more than happy to comfort her.

Great chapter, as always :)

-Witch Demigoddess
Jenificent3007 chapter 84 . 5/25/2014
That was awesome! Loving the plot twists and mystery. Update whenever you can. Honestly don't mind the extremely long gaps between updates as song as you update eventually since this is so fricking epic. Keep up the brilliant work, good luck with your book stuff and hope you get well soon!
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