Reviews for Welcome Home
Lucille Brown chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
I love this story!
Kathryn Mason-Sykes chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
great story! i enjoyed reading this a lot. :)
a-perpetual-hiraeth chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
Aww, this was really sweet. Even though I had nothing against Zaya as a couple, I will forever be a Zaddie fan. I refuse to believe Zack's feelings for Maddie were merely the result of a teenage crush; if they were, he wouldn't have been interested for as long as he was. Age difference or no age difference, they are one of the cutest couples in the Suite Life fandom.

I especially loved the ending, where Zack says that he and Maya had been fooling themselves, and that he couldn't love Maya the way she should have been loved. How well I can relate to that on a personal level. Let me tell you, it hit me hard.

A few pointers for improvement:

1. Make sure you spell the characters' names correctly. You did well with this, but I thought I should mention it because you once spelled Maddie "Maddy." Just remember that for future reference.

2. Make sure that when dialogue is followed by a tag line, you use a comma to separate them.

For example: "I know." Cody agrees unhappliy.

Should be written: "I know," Cody agrees unhappliy.

3. Watch your tenses. About halfway through, you switched from present tense to past tense, and then back to present tense again, which was jarring for me. Tenses can be tricky (I have trouble with them myself), so when you proofread be mindful of inconsistencies.

Other than those minor issues, this was a great fic. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope you continue to write.
woundedhearts chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
This was a cute story. I really liked it and i think the song suited it well. :)
Inthis4kicks chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
Very good :)
gabgaws12 chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
Georgie the story was awesome, you did a great job on the story. Add somemore to the story, you can add more and show Zack and Maddie being together and the relationship and Maddie helping Zack fiquare out his career, and Maddie can help Zack get into college. Also I sent u a email.
sfbxfcb chapter 1 . 7/22/2011