Reviews for Fallen From Grace
MarieLaTerrible chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
Wow, I am amazed by your writing skills!
Q. L. Strange chapter 1 . 12/22/2011
Dark and gritty and so very Victorian. Brava!

It's always so difficult to feel sorry for Holmes, isn't it? But you manage to pull it off beautifully. Very well done!
Lady Katelynna chapter 1 . 9/2/2011
This was a very good story! I surprises me that you haven't gotten any reviews yet! It's very well written, and I like the story line, although there are some little inconsistencies.

I've no idea where people get the idea that Holmes is on opiates of any kind- possible one of the movies. You also made him rather...weak, here, which (even given his lack of work) is unusual. In fact, such a prolonged absence of cases of any kind is also unusual, to the amount of being improbable. But then, I suppose a character as complicated as Sherlcok Holmes has many sides, and accounting for all of them is difficult. Especially if it's based entirely (or at least mostly) on his portrayal in the 2009 (Or some other) movie, as I deduce this is.

Given that LITTLE (or not) spot of criticism, your Dorian was spot on! His thoughts on conquest, and his feelings of disgust. Have you read it, or is this based o the recent movie at all? Just a question.

also, a bit of Historical nit-picking. Although I find it believable that Dorian would insist people use his first name, I high doubt Watson would approve of the use of HIS given name, and probably wouldn't think of Dorian by his. There are also few phrases that aren't Historicity accurate, but only major nerds like me care, haha

I also feel as if you could have explored the relationship between Holmes and Watson a bit more, but then I'm a Holmes x Watson fan. I do agree with the idea that Watson tries to please Holmes- but I think that he would have been a BIT more concerned, and voiced these concerns, if he thought Holmes was loosing his will to live.

Well! Intended this to be a praising review, and failed a little...I just feel like it could have gone allot further, I suppose. I most definitely enjoyed it however! Good work.