Reviews for Forget
Argentum Anubis chapter 1 . 12/7/2016
Whaaaaaaaaaaat? I was certain that Reid would... What the...?
Why are you playing with my emotions like this? ),:
(great story btw XD)
Experimenting chapter 1 . 7/24/2011

Extremely well written (by 'better' I meant make the characters be ok)
andallthat chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
Tkalsdkfjasd;fkll That was just so.. so \(*O*)/ I love it! I love it soooooo much! Your portrayal of Reid after that incident and Morgan and- agh! Words cannot describe the amazingness.

I personally would ADORE another chapter. Perhaps a repeat of the first chapter, but from Reid's point of view? Maybe what happened in Reid's and Morgan's head after the incident? I dunno, whatever you want! I just would love another one X3 3 ~
felicitytorres chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
Talk about bad timing, I mean Jeez! I like it, but I wish you would expand it a bit more. I don't know exactly what Reid is feeling about Morgan's confession. How does Reid feel? Does he have feelings for Morgan, does he think Morgan is just messing with his head, is he just afraid? I need a two-shot story. :)
luvnumb3rs chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
This was great I would like to see a chapter two. I like reid being cuddled by anyone as a friend most of the time but some slash just makes it worth it. SO make mor chapters.