Reviews for Blazing Sun
savghoul chapter 20 . 7/23
Wow their friendship really amazing. I love when Naruto, Gaara and Kankuro can guess just see Tenten's mood
Cute Kermit chapter 30 . 6/8
I loved how you ended the story! This is now on my top 5 list!
Cute Kermit chapter 22 . 6/6
I love how you're handling the character's emotions.
Cute Kermit chapter 19 . 6/5
Best Chapter ever!
Cute Kermit chapter 16 . 6/5
I think you're developing the characters amazingly!
Cute Kermit chapter 14 . 6/5
I think Neji is so cute in Love 3
Guest22 chapter 29 . 11/16/2019
Your writing has definitely changed and improved since the first chapter. I'm looking forward to reading the final chapter! :) Thanks
Guest22 chapter 29 . 11/14/2019
Omg!; You updated!; Ahhhhhh
I'm gonna start from the beginning!; Eeeeeeeeeeee
Imagifictions chapter 28 . 7/31/2019
Oh my God! I was so surprise to see a notif on my email that a new chapter for this is posted! And after reading this, I feel like I want to reread the whole thing too! It's been a long journey, I'll be sad when this ended. But you made this a beautiful piece, that I'm actually looking forward (and hoping) to read more Nejiten from you. :D Thank you! :D
Imagifictions chapter 27 . 10/30/2018
Alright..this is gonna be a long review because I just read this fanfic since yesterday from Chapter 1 and finished it just now. haha..
There's so many things I love about this Fic.. Gosh!

1. It basically revolves around MY THREE (out of Four ;) )FAVORITE SHIP from Narutoverse namely: NejiTen, ShikaTema and NaruHina (yup! and in that particular order too! :P)
2. It has the right amount of Drama and Humor! I love it!
3. I love all the moments between TenTen and Dash.. I have a dog, not a pitbull though.. but I can totally relate on their attachment with one another. My dog is my best friend. ;)
4. TenTen and Temari BFF/Sisterhood! Yas! I know that in the actual Anime/Manga these two doesn't interact much. But for some reason I'd like to believe that behind the scenes, they have become really great friends. From Rival to BFFs. Ya know?! :D
5. Hanabi! Oh my goodness! I'd like to see more from her. You portray her so well in your fic!
6. You have included Jiraiya! Thank you! Just so you know, the fourth ship I have in Narutoverse is JiraTsu.. so if you could eventually insert that pairing in this fic somehow.. just a little bit please..That would be totally awesome! :D
7. Oh and just when I thought this fic would end without our favorite green beast.. Lee appeared! Yosh!

So as you can see.. I've really enjoyed reading this fanfic. Looking forward for more chapters. Keep it up! Thanks for sharing this to us.:)
Guest chapter 26 . 3/7/2018
It's so nice to see you continue your story. So many people usually don't. But I'm so glad that you did. Awesome chapter :)
malliarage chapter 25 . 6/11/2017
Please update
BlackStarr88 chapter 25 . 2/19/2017
Damn the tension boiled over with that fight. People tend to forget Ino got a bit of fire in her. Its good to see both of them come to at least civil terms especially after Temari spilled he guts out. Good chapter overall, I'm curious to see how this story is going to rap up.
BlackStarr88 chapter 24 . 2/9/2017
I didn't have high expectations at first when I read this, but as I read more I began liking it more. I like how the characters developed romantically and character wise especially Neji and Tenten. I also liked that you didn't make Shikamaru and Temari's relationship all roses and gave them some real issues to work through. I particularly liked the part where Temari met Yoshino, that part was wild. Seeing Ino fiercely defensive about her friends particularly Shikamaru was pretty cool and hopefully she'll come to terms with Temari and their relationship. Hanabi's portrayal was pretty funny and I enjoyed her interactions with Tenten. Hoping to see more characters make an appearance. Also, I would like to see Choji get with Karui in the story, if you can make it happen.
Anyways good work
tabine chapter 24 . 2/4/2017
I spent the entire night binge-reading this. It was cute! Definitely looking forward to more.
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