Reviews for Wife Swap
Guest chapter 36 . 10/25/2016
I loved this story! Ya know it would make for one interesting read if there was a sequel. Maybe Joey's douche bag family comes out of the woodworks. Or maybe Mel's mom and dad take away her business. Maybe the producers of the show get wind a couple years later that Joey and Charlie are getting married and ask them if they can televise it. If they did that I am sure Mel, Ruby's rapist dad, Angelo, and Joey's family would definitely crawl out from under their rocks to try and stop it.
kmp63 chapter 36 . 4/15/2015
Sweetest ending to a sweet story.
kmp63 chapter 13 . 4/15/2015
Now, now Charlie, get that image of Joey as a sex toy out of your head. Lol.
Guesttessa chapter 36 . 3/16/2014
Wow! Kinda wish there was a sequel to this. Ya know to see whether Mel's dad will sell her business, or maybe it gets taken by the government because of bad bookkeeping. Maybe Charlie could ask Joey to adopt Ruby? Maybe Joey and Charlie could get married? And when the producers of the show get wind of it they ask the girls whether they can televise the event?
ttandme69 chapter 36 . 2/10/2012
ecellent story...loved it! found it and read it all C&J! thanks for posting, Lisa
Keela chapter 36 . 1/31/2012
I liked it, a little special, but all in all nice.
CJ4Eva chapter 36 . 1/12/2012
A fantastic ending to a very well written fic. Enjoyed reading it. ;)
luckdog chapter 36 . 1/10/2012
Yes I enjoyed it very much IJKS, it was a different take on Charlie and Joey but it was wonderful and interesting 0) Thank you for taking the time to write us such a brilliant story 0)

I had to laugh at Charlie comment about Ruby not being able to control herself around Xavier, went she can't control herself around Joey lol And Aden having a dig at that lol Mel and Angelo deserve their misery because of what they did and how they treated Charlie and Joey! Oh and Ross' thoughts were sweet that he likes Joey better than Angelo and Joey is better for Charlie 0)
kazintaz chapter 36 . 1/10/2012
Congrats on another great story IJKS. I'm also loving all your other stories (especially Freshers), even though I don't review each individually. Will miss yout story-telling once they all get posted.
maziemoo chapter 36 . 1/10/2012
What another great story. I have enjoyed many of them. U write so well and look forward to many in the future
Jen82LH chapter 36 . 1/10/2012
I am so glad you decided to post that fic IJKS. I really enjoyed it from start to finish. It was lovely to see everyone get what they deserve and a fantastic twist on how Joey and Charlie meet. Another excellent fic, thank you.
murfonso chapter 36 . 1/10/2012
Aw lovely story and lovely ending really enjoyed it
Blue1927 chapter 36 . 1/10/2012
Lovely ending, I've thoroughly enjoyed all of this and I'm so glad you decided to post it. I think everyone got what they deserved and seeing Charlie and Joey so happy was great. Thanks for all your hard work
c.smith123 chapter 36 . 1/10/2012
That is really good :) It was amazing to read & thank-you for taking so much time to write and post it! I hope there is a sequel or something. Great story and I enjoyed reading all of it :D xxxxxx
NZGirl25 chapter 36 . 1/10/2012
I loved every single part of this story.
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