Reviews for Addictions
Carina Sicily chapter 12 . 10/31/2019
I actually preferred the sad ending.

Eh, both were amazing :)
guest chapter 12 . 8/29/2016
Omg I can't believe you are actually continuing this! It's been years and I always hoped you would. This was one of my first favorite hetalia fics!
Guest chapter 11 . 6/5/2016
I hate you. I hate you from hell and back. One does not simply understand the hatred I have for you for writing this. I want to burn you. But I can't. Because you're awesome. You and your writing-
PrincelyFlowerGay chapter 11 . 1/13/2016
Death is Here
PrincelyFlowerGay chapter 9 . 1/13/2016
Guest chapter 11 . 12/25/2015
I hate you
I hate you for all of eternity
Although I never really liked Netherlands paired up with Norway(heck, I didn't even know they exist) you killed my feelings.
And here I am trying to stop crying and my mother looking at me funny.
fehu chapter 11 . 7/4/2015
i fuckin cried this was beautiful and sad and i loved it and i'm going to go draw some fanart of it right now
Guest chapter 11 . 7/3/2015
This is the most sad fanfiction I think I've ever read. I hate you. I hate you a lot. I want to burn you. But you are awesome.
taini chapter 11 . 7/13/2014
This is one of the best AUs I've ever read, you captured everything nicely. I hardly review but I knew I had to for this one. Great job.
WolfeyKitten chapter 11 . 7/12/2014
It's actually a real thing, what happened to Ned... how he can see Erik and all. This fic hit a lot closer to home with me than you will ever know, or maybe even ever believe.. Though it may not be completely accurate to phenomena I am completely familiar with. (Tbh, I would much prefer this to what I've lived through, not to sound pretentious or anything. I'm just glad that it ended happy.) Thanks. Great AU, great characterization, and great writing. Now I just kinda have this fear of being put away.
Guest chapter 11 . 3/11/2014
That was one of the best Hetalia AUs I've ever read. And there's never enough NorNed. Thank you for this, even if it almost made me cry in the middle of class.
Tsubasa chapter 11 . 2/13/2014
I love this story! It was amazing and beautiful. I cried a few times during the last three chapters.
wolfeclipse25 chapter 4 . 7/30/2013
Erik's and Emil's story literally sent oangs through my heart... I feel a littke sad now.
theskaterfox chapter 11 . 8/15/2012
This is one hell of a holy manuscript. I was so overcome with emotions that I cried out while reading the last chapter in public. This is a really good story and I must commend the author for his ability to transform this story into one that portrays every emotion onto the readers. This is one of my favourites and the few which could make me smile in happiness at its conclusion regardless of the not so positive outcome. May you rest in peace, Erik.
TheGirlfromNowhere chapter 11 . 4/7/2012
I was reading this in my phone and I really just had to review... You wrote this fic beautifully and I kept crying XD

Great job! Less than 3 ! XDD

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