Reviews for Somewhere Only We Know
Precious Banana Cat chapter 1 . 7/19/2018
This was so painful yet so beautiful at the same time. What a wonderful story. I truly enjoyed it.
Scot chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
Aurawelder, childhood lasts as long as you let it.
Steena the Cat chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
:') This was sooooo beautiful...This reminds me of having to say goodbye to some of my old toys. Now, those memories live in my heart and reside in the stories I create. Deep down inside, there will be a special place in my heart that won't grow up...and that is okay.

This was very wonderfully written, you did a fantastic job! *high fives* Great writing, great story...great everything! Keep up the awesome work!
PhineasFlynns chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
That was... So completely and painfully beautiful... I sobbed like a little baby. I'm proud I admit it. This was fantastic. You did a truly amazing job.
AuraWielder chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
My gosh. This is so beautiful. Winnie-the-Pooh was my childhood. I always loved him and I still do. But... I'm 16, in high school and I keep thinking, "Where did the years go?"

At my age, you're not 'legitimatly' allowed to like this kind of stuff. Childhood always passes by too fast. It's just so hard to believe how we all grow up so fast in today's world. Just like us, Christopher Robin did grow up, because everyone does. But it can be so hard to grow up and you captured that perfectly with Christopher Robin.

I just can't but feel that one day, Christopher will have his own son/daughter and then they will get to discover and play with that silly old bear.
Finch-Fletchley chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
Wow. That was the best fan fiction I've ever read, and it reads like the epilogue of the entire series. Wow wow wow wow. I'm just blown away. Kudos to you.
Pigloo chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
Wow, that was beautiful. Don't stop writing. :3