Reviews for Worlds Apart
wren chapter 17 . 3/10/2017
the fact that this was abandoned hurts me everyday inside
Greeniron chapter 3 . 3/14/2016
It looks like you're still around so maybe you'll get this message. I just wanted to say that you're story is reminding me of my sister (intellectual disability and epilepsy - not autism) and that feeling of loving someone so intensely while knowing others don't get it. So in Blaine's words, you "moved me." Thank you for sharing this.
DustyQOTF chapter 17 . 9/16/2015
I like this. You actually have the Autism symptoms down and what does happen to the severe cases in schools. Just wondering though is Kurt High functioning or Severe? Reason being is Severe wouldn't be placed in main stream classes whereas High Functioning can be in Main Stream classes. I know because my brother is High Functioning Autistic and I went to school with a mild Autistic student in the grade below me and a Severe in my grade. You also have the actions of Kurt's friends down my class actually did everything we could to make sure that our special students had the opportunities to go on our trips.
Guest chapter 12 . 9/15/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2015
I loved the fic my only problem was how you chose to portray autism. I have 2 brothers with it and they are nothing like how you chose to portray autism. They may look it but they arent weak, in my experience with them they are probably the strongest people i know. And to all those haters out there, they arent dumb either they are the brightest people i know personally!
Cloveteach chapter 17 . 5/22/2015
I know you said this story was on hiatus indefinitely, but I hope that one day you do come back to finish it. You don't see many stories about autism. It's a new sort of AU for these characters. I love what you've written so far, and it has made it an amazing story.
lizyeh2000 chapter 17 . 4/11/2015
Love your story now following! . Please update soon!
Kusanagi Hikari chapter 17 . 7/27/2014
oh my goood i love this so much!
please update pleaseeeeee
tohavealifetimeoffun chapter 17 . 2/10/2014
I've just read this story in a matter of hours and I love it. So sad to see it's discontinued but I'm going to keep it on my alerts in the hope that one day there might be an update!
Five Elements chapter 17 . 11/9/2013
This is really interesting! I love it, and hope to see more chapters sooner rather than later! It really is truly fascinating the way this is written, as I have a friend with Aspergers Sydrome, which I understand is different, but I am quite interested with the subject just now. Please carry on being the writing angel you are now.
Guest chapter 17 . 10/24/2013
Well I've only just discovered this fic and it is just brilliant. My sister has autism she is a lot better than Kurt in this but she went to special schools and has had a lot of help but I can kinda relate to Finn in this fic. I love Blaine too even though he was being a prat earlier in the story and I especially love Kurt I think you wrote him very well and I like the French element. I really hope the new chapter comes soon as I'm dying to know what happens to Klaine and such.
oliviaanne3 chapter 17 . 9/29/2013
New chapter? I really really really REALLY love this story. I have since I first read it, and this is my third or fourth time. You're so amazing with the plot and story line and I love everything about this. Update soon maybe?
Guest chapter 17 . 8/19/2013
Sorry, I LIKE this story! It's one of the most tactful autism stories I've ever read, I really like reading the Kurt bits because I really want to work with autistic children when I grow up. Please continue, and for heavens sakes, kick karofsky out of mckinley soon, Kurt's got enough on his plate!
Guest chapter 17 . 8/19/2013
I l
mlking2015 chapter 17 . 5/29/2013
Absolutely love this story! Hope that you plan to continue it! :)
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