Reviews for Burnt Marshmallows
Fluffy chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
The only marshmallows I eat are burnt marshmallows otherwise I hate the taste and texture.
TwistedforTwilight chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
I really liked this! I don't know these characters, but i wrote a twilight version of burnt marshmallows a long time ago, so i wanted to read your take. I was really surprised it was slash, but thank god, because that's all i read.

Thanks so much for writing!

Nephelae chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
Terribly OOC, but extremely sweet. Like, marshmallow level of sweet. And Seph has /glasses/. *swoons* All the little details that you've added just makes it such an experience that way.

I suppose happy endings are good too. And adorable.

underhandlilies chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
I have to say, even if you say it's OOC, I definitely needed something like that today. It was short and sweet and I LOVED Sephiroth's accent (definitely. definitely.) and the proposal part was AWESOME. There's not enough gay marriage in slash fics. *nods solemnly* Especially in that it fits with the marriage bill that got passed here in NY.

Awesome as usual, and it's totally awesome. :)
coolgamer chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
I really liked this story!
Sanz0girl chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
I loved it
The Disorganization chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
another great fic, no matter how little time it took to write, personally I kinda like Seph like that... it's well diffrent but in a really good way. it's like outdoor-camping-mister Lives In Forest Hovel, which suits the setting and at the time, the character. hope that makes sense, congrats on a nother great job. Metaphorical hugs ~Gexie of The Disorganization~ _
ShadesofImagination chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
What. The. Shit. - to quote a certain someone. Yes, I am reviewing from my shitty phone.

That said. I fucking love you. And Sephiroth and his weird talk. And the fact that you wrote me fluff that made you gag.

And...marshmallows suck. UNLESS THEY'RE BURNT.

Love, thank you so much, will properly gush and fangasm when I can abuse the caps on MSN.