Reviews for Black Magick
Forever your fan chapter 1 . 7/15
It started with an owl- I GOT CHILLS.
Hellsing meets Harry Potter. NO ONE HAS DONE THIS. I cannot WAIT to get through this. I'll take it a chapter at a time. I want to enjoy as this; I have zero social life right now and this pandemic seems to have made me very aware of why that might be a problem.
Also, can I just state that Mihnea is FASCINATING. Alucard's son is going to Hogwarts. The son of Dracula... is at Hogwarts. I can't wrap my brain around the awesomeness of that.
I wanted to leave reviews for Blood Heritage but it was like... if I broke the flow of my reading, it would ruin my enjoyment of it. Or something.
I don't have a profile here. Honestly haven't the time to get one and I'm pretty lazy when I'm not working so... I'll create a title. Or I'll just come up with something new each time.
I've got Rhythm in my Soul chapter 77 . 6/20
The Queen Has Returned
I can't apologise enough for being such a crappy reviewer. My only defence is that being on the frontline destroyed my ability to concentrate for more than five mins at a time.
Okay, these letters are adorable… the picture of Mihnea driving now is… it’s pretty hot, won’t lie.
His acceptance of the odd and strange, despite his family, is incredibly endearing. These little things you’re changing, introducing Luna’s dad and connecting them to Mihnea, is so intriguing.
Ah Rebecca… who I once thought was a spy. Who I now adore… and still kind of think she might be a spy, because I think too much. Maybe.
Real talk: how badly is this household split thingie going to turn out? Or am I worrying over nothing? The Hellsing’s and the vampire/supernatural household living in separate houses. It’s unconventional and wonderful and oddly terrifying. SO MUCH COULD HAPPEN. I mean it could stir a hornets nest or prove a to be extremely fortifying and beneficial. I love that I can’t tell but I’m still dying to know.
Again, Mihnea driving… I really like Mihnea driving a car that’s as fast as cars can be. But of course it is. And of course he wants to show it off- AWWW LUNA…. She deserves the world. Her curiosity and personality make me think of forest sprites and fairies etc.
Mihnea being told off by his very young looking, petit mother is never not funny. That he listens is perfection.
Of course Luna’s great with Ylenia – she’s like an area of perfect peace.
Whoa, Connie’s finally learning what her mother has had to put up with her whole life.
Oh Jesus, DRESS PICKING. I feel the utmost sympathy for you dear.
Harry, Connie, Mihnea and Luna at a cinema…. BWAHAHHAHAA, YES PLEASE. MY GOD.
It’s such a wonderful little insight into Luna though; does she feel fear the way other people do? Or does she simply know WHEN to feel it? I mean, most people would – at the very least – be startled by Alucard and she’s just chilling on the floor, waiting for the things she senses to come say hi.
Loved this.
Thank you for your hard work.
HeWhoShouldn'tBeNamed chapter 78 . 6/17
bloodshound chapter 78 . 6/16
My sister is a check out person in Woolies. it's been utterly nuts. Seriously, the crazies that have come out or formed when something panic worthy happens have been freaking scary. Stay strong. Stay safe, 'kay?

If his aunt won't let him put up a curtain, maybe harry should look into something more solid, like a screen or something. Even a large poster put over it could block the light a bit and it's not like his aunt would look at his window that often. It'd be easy enough to sneak in too. he just moves it before he goes back to school if his aunt even bothers to look.
Just a bit of lateral thinking which, admittedly, harry isn't all that good at. he's never had real reason to be...
steph557 chapter 78 . 6/16
So happy with the update! Thanks for writing and I hope you stay safe and healthy!
HeWhoShouldn'tBeNamed chapter 6 . 6/14
oy you dead?
Zorua1 chapter 38 . 4/1
See, this is why banana splits are totally healthy.
Mister LaGuardia chapter 77 . 3/4
Loved Lunas interactions with Alucard.
Guest chapter 77 . 2/26
You updated!
This is ten different kinds of fun but I really appreciate the change in your writing. As someone who binge read your stories I can see the clear diff between now and then. You improved so much and it wasn't like you needed to, you know? Luna was always a favourite of mine.
Reading about Hermione, Syn, Alucard and Minhea instead of Ron is a real treat for me. Their interactions (and Connie, Harry's and Fred's) are my favourite and you bring them to life. Hope life is kicking you too hard! Thank you for this!
bloodshound chapter 77 . 2/22
Squeeeee. Update. *dances around happily.
MeliLouiseNorth chapter 77 . 2/20
I always thought that you were English for the longest of time the use of some words like rubbish and then I noticed a particular one the use of the word gas and gas pedal. It isn't a criticism at all it's just an odd thing that I noticed, honestly I did that you were English and like with all the characters, the way you write them is spot on! I kinda feel like Integra would know about Connie's problems like with the other Knights children looking down on her, I feel like she would have gone through a similar experience especially since she was so young and she was head of the house. But anyway I love this fanfic and I am always left just craving more from it what happens next is Mihnea gonna be in the Triwizard tournament? Although can he be in the tournament in the first place...hmmmm. And I don't know why but I have always wanted Mihnea to end up with Hermione, but that's my preference I'll still love it regardless
Arc-Welder chapter 77 . 2/20
I really liked the chapter. I always like ones that include Luna. I am curious about the room she found. Why is it important? Will she be a see’er in this story and how will Alucard react to this. I will have to wait to see. Please update soon.
ME chapter 77 . 2/20
oh this was adorable! I mean, luna. luna's adorable. minhea's a hottie and I really enjoy the relationship you've developed here. It took me a while to understand what you were originally trying to do and it's this thing that other's won't get. It isn't romantic but it's intimate. It's isn't a friendhip, and yet it's more than that. She's family without being family. He really meant it when he 'pet'.
Rebecca... is this oen of those 'she SEEMS trustworthy but keep your eyes open' things?
The idea of Harry hanging out with Luna is just too good.
steph557 chapter 77 . 2/20
Miss this! I can’t believe how far it’s come, I never would have imagined this from when we first met Syn, the DJ. I love the fact you’re incorporating Luna, one of my absolutely favorite ppl in the Harry Potter series, into Hellsing. I find the portrayals of the characters really on point and have fun reading the series. Thanks for the update!
HeWhoShouldn'tBeNamed chapter 77 . 2/19
Oh cool your back. was in a funk for a few months cuz I thought you had abandoned this gem. great chapter as always. can't wait for more. your the best!
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