Reviews for Neon Hearts
Jacky-Lou chapter 32 . 4/15/2016

At first: German girl, so I hope you can understand my writing. :D

I've read this fic the last days on my ebook and I must say, that I love it!
It's nice, that Matt and Mello have so many differences and nevertheless find love in each other.
I like your kind of humor and also that the romantic parts aren't to soppy.
What I also like, is that the characters are really realistic and have also a lot of mistakes and weird ways in thinking and behaving. And I love Matts goofy nature! :D
Thank you for the good hours I've spend with the reading and also thank you, for not making Matt and Mello so girlish. I like Matt as manly part, but when he is still like this (cocky, manly, confident, has his own opinion and so on), even as a bottom, it is absolutely okay for me.

What I must say also: I dont like Electro. Normally my kind of music is rock and metal (Slayer, Tool Kreator, Rise Against...) But after reading this fic and also listening to the songs, I actually started to get some electric music on my MP3-Player. I dont know why, but I feel in the mood for it. :D I've called it "Neonhearts", because then I have something, that remembers me at the good time, that I had while reading this fic.

Yeah... I think thats it. :D It would be nice, if you start writing again, because you're really talented. (:

All The Little Flowers chapter 3 . 4/19/2015
I LIVE 20 MINUTES FROM BOSTON! lets get married
lolly1010 chapter 27 . 4/1/2015
na na na... my jam! heh guess i'm still stuck in mello's emo high school phase.. oh well, i'd take gerard way any day ;)
lolly1010 chapter 3 . 3/30/2015
nicee sleigh bells
accountinactivesorry1 chapter 1 . 3/30/2015
Hi, this is the guest from before, back to actually review this properly.
It's been a while since I read this fic, though there is a strong chance I will re-read it at some point. Basically, this was brilliant. I loved it from start to finish, from how your writing slowly developed as time went on, to the lovely little scenarios you came up with (some of which made me blush and make high-pitched "yeeeee" noises to myself at like 3am, some of which made me want to cry, others which made me punch my pillow and nearly fling my phone across the room). I've noticed that you haven't updated your account in a while and I figure there's a chance you'll never see this review, but just in case, I thought I'd write it, just so that you know how much I appreciated this story. I mean, I'm sure you can garner already from all the reviews you've gotten that you hit the major goods with this.
(Also, I've read your two other super-long MxM fanfics and those are also pretty damn awesome. To be honest, I could probably sit indefinitely reading infinite stories about them written by you, if such things existed and that were physically possible.)
Guest chapter 32 . 12/23/2014
I will probably write a longer review later (it's one in the morning and I'm on my phone), but I just want to say that this is literally the best fanfiction I have ever read, and I've read a lot. I love your characterisation and dedication within this story, I think the twists and turns are commendable and the whole thing entirely adorable and impressive. In short, I loved it. Thank you for sticking with it.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/19/2014
Chapter 6

I don't usually review until I get to the end of a fic, but I liked this chapter so much that I had to. I totally got how Matt was fweling on the ferris wheel, that poor baby, and the entire situation was just super sweet. I didn't find it too sappy at all, I think you applied just the right amount of sappiness. I look forward to the rest.
AnimeAngel112 chapter 32 . 11/3/2014
Wow. I'm speechless. This story was simply wonderful.
No. It wasnt simply wonderful. It was more than that! It was outstanding! I couldn't stop reading it! I would try to read this during any free time I had, including at school. (I usually dont read at achool in fear that the school will see it while I use their internet)
But this was very well organized, so thought out and the plot, my god, it was great. I loved every second of reading this. Its sad to come to the end of this becaise I was enjoying the journey so much. But all stories need to come to an end eventually I guess. I am thrilled to go see what other stories you have finished or maybe in the process of writing. Love your work!
AnimeAngel112 chapter 8 . 10/28/2014
I knkw this isnt the last chapter or anything but i had to stop and leave a review before I go on any further and forget to mention this.
I jist want to point out something that I love that I dont see often in fanfictions.
They have different tastes like almost completely different and they express their opinion and even argue about it but still in a nice way and I just love that about this story because i cant stand when couples have everything in common because it doesnt actually work like that! Having different tastes and opinions makes it so much more interesting like it gives you more to talk about and it gives you opportunities to try new things like with Matt in this chapter trying pinapple pizza! I just applaud you for writing them this way because so many other writers fail to do so or if they attempt it it doesnt flow as perfectly as yours does. Bravo!
Kay now I'm gonna go read some more of this lovely story!
LaceRaven chapter 31 . 6/15/2014
This must be my hundredth and one time reading this story and I always remember why I love it so much. I have introduced some of my friends this story and also your other stories and they love them just as much as me and I sure as hell don't blame them because you're such an amazing author. I can't wait for your next story! I bet it'll be just as great! Even though I still wish there was a continuation of Neon Hearts, I'm still excited to what you're going to publish next. I even took a screen shot of one of my favorite moments of neon hearts and showed it to my friend and the first thing she said was, "I wish I can write like that."
So yeah, keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 17 . 12/26/2013
I know I'm in the minority here but I'm finding Mello to be really over the top and out of line a bit here. He moved into Matt's place not the other way around. Does he really think that Matt can just so quickly change everything about himself to suit Mello's needs and wants? It's a two way street in a relationship and he needs to cut Matt a little slack.
Guest chapter 14 . 12/26/2013
Idk sex happening so soon was kinda surprising for me and weird since Matt was so deep in thought at the moment with his seven year old sister.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/25/2013
Great story so far, but I would suggest in the future do not type out accents phonetically. Just telling us that the character has an accent is good enough. This totally takes some readers out of the story.
S-AcidRain chapter 32 . 11/29/2013
I remember reading that story last year (my username was still Mahri)... But then, I stopped reading fanfics for a period of my life, and a short time ago I started again. I was searching through my fav list and I found that story! 'Neon hearts' was a name that rang a bell or something, and I thought that I had finished but wasn't sure, I looked the last chapters but I figured out that i hadn't... So I just reread everything, I'm glad that I did, this story has a 'simple' basis for a story line but it talks about topics that are around us all the time (like religion) and it's really enjoyable for this closeness with my real life. And I'm algae that you finished dot is masterpiece, at the time I just couldn't believe that I hadn't finished it! But I read all the chapters in three days...I can't believe that it ended so soon hahah. Thank you so much for this story-
Amber chapter 32 . 10/29/2013
This story is so well written its inbelievable to think it was posted on a fanfiction website. I was so enjoyable and the plot wa very well done. The writing was amazing and I think the author portrayed the beloved death note characters very well. I actually forgot it was based off of death note...well done!
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