Reviews for Tempest
SuperAplusbroguY chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Fantastic read! I thoroughly enjoyed it. 10 out of 10!
DorkishGurl chapter 1 . 1/17/2015
Great job with the love scenes! Keep it up!
SilverVeiledRose chapter 1 . 11/1/2013
I've been raiding your stories all morning, haha! I just love your Dragon Age stories! You are such a talented author. I love the banter between Hawke and Anders...not to mention your awesome ability to build up tension! I shamelessly hope you write some more DA smut _
Sasune chapter 1 . 2/11/2013
Very well written and great diction as well. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and wish you luck in your future writing.
Crashing Into the Sea chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
Nothing to really say other than I love this!
JoleeKee chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
wonderful! heart wrenching and hot and sexy and sweet!
Hot elf chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
Wow! Trust me, you have every reason to be happy with this!

This was really hot and steamy. Maker's Mercy!

And I have to say I loved the slow build-up at the beginning. Damn Justice! I want Awakening!Anders back! Still, this was so sweet, with him buying her the necklace and all, and I found myself really rooting for them.

Lovely piece of work. I'm definitely adding this to my favourites (and I'm a Fenris fangirl all the way!)
nightquill chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
Brilliant, brilliant fic. You managed to carry Isabella's and Anders' voices through really well - I could all but hear them speak their dialogue. Well written smut too, it's difficult to have raunch without it being under/overdone and I think you pulled it off :)

Also, I think I love your Hawke and her vulnerabilities. Very nice fic :D
karebear chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
How have I not read this before? I have *got* to remember to set the ratings filter up more often, I miss too many really great stories. I love this. Really gorgeous tension and emotional deliciousness and the way you right Hawke and Anders makes me melt. And although the rated M bits I'm sure were much appreciated by those involved, what really made me even happier than that was the genuine friendship all around - people taking care of each other... Isabela in the Hanged Man, buying candy for the kids... Even Anders giving Hawke a post-hangover potion. All that stuff, great.
Defii chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
I was 100% happy with it! Reminds me why I first chose Anders my first play through.

Very well done!


P.s. The smut was...oh nice. Hehe.
L. Century chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
so i'm going around to as many cheeky monkeys as i can and giving them a review because in the A Review Is.. thread i said reviewslove and i think we all could use a good smile.

I really loved this piece it was wonderful.

The pacing was good. the constant struggle on both sides to want to give in but not created just the right amount of tension. the necklace was very sweet -a very anders move. My favorite line of the whole piece was "the heavens released their burden and sheets of rain came cascading down."

Beautiful imagery as if the sky was having a bad day and needed to release its pent up emotion.

As a reader eventhough it's a one shot piece we really feel we have a sense of anders and hawke not just as people and their personality but their relationship together and just how they feel about each other- that's really difficult to pull off in a one shot normally it takes chapters to build up.

Awesome job!
Lady Cailan chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
This is by far one of the best one-shots I've read. It flowed so naturally, and those moments they spent together were so realistic. Her longing for him struck a chord within me. After all, we've all been there; when a relationship ends, I always miss something about it, or I miss the person, or even sometimes, you don't want it to end or you wish you could be with someone you can't be. All those things feel kind of similar, and you wrote Hawke's emotions so realistically.

And, of course, sexy time in the rain is always good. ;)
KCousland chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
Bravo again! I love the building of the tension between the two, the longing, the way they can't help touching each other, the hesitations... it made the long awaited surrender much sweeter! This was just lovely, very hot!
Isabella Monroe chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
No need to worry about the end product. It was awesome. You did a wonderful job of building up the tension and when they finally come together it sweet, passionate and loving. The scene in the rain reminded me of the Notebook. One of my favorite movies and one of my all time favorite scenes. Wonderful job!
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