Reviews for Remembering my Heart
nianinini chapter 1 . 3/29/2015
Loved it, I would love to see more Shino/Tenten from you!
narutofan chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Wow. Nicely done. The flow of the story was great, not disjointed at all. I really enjoyed reading it. And, the first person POV worked really well for this story. A weird story, but it's a good kind of weird.
Fanwoman chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
This story totally deserved its accolades! What a compelling other world and personal drama you've created for them while still keeping them so...them! Very enjoyable! Thanks for the great read!
RemoveDeleteKill Account chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
I love the idea. It's been a while (a very long time actually) since I last read anything sci-fi (I'm more of a Fantasy person myself) so I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy it. Though the start was a little slow for me (though to be honest, I find that in most Sci-Fi's the start does tend to be a little slower) I'm glad I plodded on. :) I think this would've been amazing expanded into a multi-chapter fic, but I'm pretty happy with the one-shot. I love the way you put the story together - the whole alien aspect and the mercenary/mechanics chick thing - brilliant. It really suited the two. Totally keen to read more of this sort of stuff. I hope you write more on this pairing. :D (or just tenten :) )
Under a Rain Cloud chapter 1 . 6/23/2011
Ah, so good, i loved it! It was long, was so worth it. it was be awesome if you wrote a little continueation of this-to show us how great their lives are after this.

But seriously, i really really liked it! Good Job! XD
French Kiss On A Subway Train chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
Can't log in for some reason. But that's my Author Name anyways.

I really enjoyed your story!

I'm a bit of a sci-fi geek myself, and I thought it was very cool how you worked in the Aburames and how they received their bugs. I always love a little alien invasion action myself, and feel like the way the humans responded after the war against the Aburames was perfect. I also really liked TenTen's flirty character (and Shino's reactions Haha) because I often feel she's portrayed as less of a seductress than a lot of the other Naruto women, so it's nice to see her a little sexy. Haha. I also liked Shino's character development. I liked how in the beginning there were less details because of Shino's memory and then all the experiences with Tenten were a lot more specific (like her touching him. Haha.) At times I kind of wondered if he'd say certain things, especially after he regained his memory, but I just figured it was part of his gain in memory and confidence.

I think there may have been a couple grammatical errors, but very minor. I think at one point you said "pull" and I think it's meant to be "pulled." I don't quite remember if there were others, but I'm sure if you do a read through or have someone else do a read through you'll find them. Otherwise, pretty spotless.

The only thing I think I'd really have wanted were a couple more specific memories from Shino and Tenten's pasts. I know he was supposed to flash through it quickly during the explosion, but even fragments of dialogue from special moments I think would have really shaped their past a lot. I kind of wanted to know what their previous interactions were like.

But other than that, wonderful story! Super creative, sexy, funny, and just the right amount of Sci-Fi to send me home a very happy camper. Hope you do more work with this couple later on. Maybe I'll go peruse your other work.

Have a great day!
Rel chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
You know, when I started this contest this is *precisely* the kind of response I was hoping to get! Innovative, unusual, wonderfully in character and really captivating! Absolutely loved it :)