Reviews for At Face Value
darkzenith324 chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
So I know you wrote this a million years ago, but I happen to just come across this now looking for new (technically old) fanfiction to discover because I feel like I've checked out all of the stories published in the last two years, haha. I only finished the games last year (I know where have I been?), but trust me, I've been scouring the internet for great FemShep/Garrus stories since then. All that said, this was fantastic! An amazing one-shot that gave a both nuanced and compelling emotional narrative as well as extremely well down explicit content- often happening concurrently. The anger, despair, sadness, guilt, relief, passion- it was all so easily to understand and feel along with Shepard and Garrus. And about them, I felt like your characterizations of them were spot on. They were so believable in-character, I imagine they would fit almost seamlessly into the actual canon of the games (the whole story really).

I liked how you incorporated the Arrival DLC in the overall timeline in the games (right before the Omega Relay or right after are the only two situations in which it makes sense to me). And I really liked how you dealt with Shepard's emotional fallout. There are so many other details and points happening here that were strokes of brilliance, I seriously couldn't catalog them all in this review (I mean I could, but then I would be adding on another hour after the time I should have gone to bed, and I'm already two hours past that point as it is, lol).

Anyway, I know you probably won't see this (or care about responses to this story anymore), but in case you do, I wanted to show how much people still enjoy you're fantastic writing, or atleast how much I enjoyed it. Writing good stories requires a great amount dedicating time, skill, intelligence and mental energy to make it all come together. I recognize this, and want to thank you for making this and for sharing it with us, the people of the internets and of the ME fandom. You are amazing, I wish you all the best!
Kurai Ummei chapter 1 . 9/22/2015
Ha! This was perfect! Great characterization and dialogue. :)
Nichalia chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
Loved it.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/9/2013
Soooo funny at the end
Author-Of-Sin chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
Well wasn't this just deliciously wonderful?
Loved it, keep it up :D
JadziaVu chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Absolutely splendid writting! Beautiful and poetic! Much enjoyed.
TenyumeKasumi chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
Came here from the Kmeme. xD

I really like this! We actually get to see what happened after Arrival when in the game, everyone didn't react to it at all. You'd think destroying a star system was something done every Tuesday.
Garrus' portrayal and reaction was realistic and Shepard trying to deal with it serves to remind us that the commander is still human, no matter what kind of feats are accomplished. Well done.
bleachTHEsky chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
I first read this on the kinkmeme journal for ME. Was browsing along, enjoying both the snippets and the longer additions, when I came across this. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect- but by the time I was done, I knew with absolute certainty that I had to see if you have cross-posted here. Because this is a piece of work I HAD to comment on.

At first, I didn't exactly get the connection- the prompt, and how the angst and general emotional baggage of the beginning married with the most delicious, well-written lemon I've ever read for GarrusxShepard (and certainly one of my top five of all time). I read the epilogue and I got it. Uncertainty and the constant sense of moving on from the past is such a big theme in ME, and you managed to present that while still sealing the sense of Garrus and Shepard having such a strong, intense bond that their relationship is always a certainty- despite cultural differences and situational obstacles. You truly did justice to this pairing. You truly represented the potential of their relationship, and all the wide range of emotions that entails. In short, I applaud you for being a serious BAMF. No, really.

The lemon was... staggeringly good. Unbelievably sexy. The way you acknowledged their mutual surrender to each other, exposing their vulnerabilities. The way you weren't afraid to let Garrus' battle-time intensity seep into conquests of a different sort. While I love the considerate, awkward Garrus very much, there was something so refreshing about this intense, predatory Garrus that is also protective of Shepard and what she means to him.

All in all, definitely one of my all time favourites. Thank you so, so, so much for sharing it with us all! :DDD
Naomie chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
What a great fic!

Touching, funny, and really really (really) hot!
Kazic chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
This was great. You captured Garrus perfectly and did great justice to the love scene. It was tender, thoughtful and totally hot.

Favorited. Great job.
Redglade chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
Found this little gem on the kink meme, followed it here. It's saved, and has been reread at least 5 times. Love it!
Yournamehere99 chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
Oh Holy Crap! This has been one of the best, (if not best!) Garrus/FemShep stories I have read. I absolutely loved your rendition of Garrus in this. He's exactly the way I picture him in my head. Everything about this story was phenomenal and I really hope you continue writing! Esp Garrus and FemShep! Oh hell, FemShep with any Turian with the way you write the love scenes. lol! Please please please make more! I got you on Author Alert now because this has been flippin awesome.
karla chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
OMG, I absolutely loved this story. made me squirm, let me tell you. I am definately hoping there will be more like this one. maybe even a good sequel? keep up the good stuff.
iheartroxas chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
Absolutely wonderful story! I haven't been so impressed or so hooked on a story in so long. I really hope you continue writing garrus/femshep stories. You capture their personality so perfectly! I absolutely loooved garrus in this. The way you brought out his emotions is exactly how I imagine he would act. And your shepard is also just how I would imagine any shepard to be, always living through a mask to look strong for her team. Really excellent job on this! Your an amazing writer and I really look forward to seeing more stories, hopefully about his couple? ;)
it waits for excitement chapter 1 . 6/23/2011
this is worth the read. Don't hesitate.
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